Despite no films or shows releasing yet, the new cinematic DC Universe appears to already be taking shape under the leadership of James Gunn and Peter Safran. Plenty of questions still remain, though, like who will be this universe's Batman, but one MCU veteran has thrown her hat into the ring to square off against the caped crusader as one his most notable villains.
Karen Gillan is the MCU veteran in question who told ScreenRant she would like the chance to play the infamous villainess Poison Ivy in the burgeoning DCU. In addition, Gillan said she would specifically like to see an arc for Ivy involving her relationship with Harley Quinn when asked what narrative route she would want to take with the character.
“That’s a good question,” Gillan said when asked about possible stories for Ivy. “In a relationship with Harley Quinn sounds excellent.”
It isn't the first time Gillan has shared her desire to portray Ivy, either.
“I always thought that Poison Ivy was really fun,” Gillan said in a 2023 interview with ScreenRant. “So maybe something like that would be cool.”
Given Gillan's history working under Gunn's direction on the Guardians of the Galaxy films, she added that she would love the chance to work with him again as part of the DCU in some fashion.
First introduced in 1966's Batman #181, Poison Ivy was previously known as Dr. Pamela Isley, a botanist who found herself roped into a robbery gone wrong and was poisoned by her partner only to mutate and develop an immunity to all toxins and diseases. She would undergo massive retcons over time, with the modern version being an eco-terrorist bent on protecting nature with the ability to control and manipulate plant-life thanks to an elemental force known only as the Green.
The character's only big screen outing came in 1997's Batman and Robin, where Ivy was portrayed by Uma Thurman.