Donald Cerrone is one of the UFC fighters that have made the transition over to the acting world. He recently worked with Michael Jai White on their new movie The Commando.

Usually, Donald Cerrone plays a Cowboy with a big beard and a signature scowl. The UFC fighter has been branching out in his movie and TV show appearances.

Michael Jai White recently did an interview with where he talked about working with the former UFC fighter. The two have worked together before and have a fight scene in The Commando.

“Oh, it went great,” White said about working with the former UFC fighter. “I mean, he’s always a blast. He’s such an amazing human being and just a down-to-earth individual. So, I mean, with this fight scene, I wanted it to stand out. I went to his ranch and sparred around with him and tried to find out the things that he likes to do in his fights more. So then we make that part of the choreography. So, I had my work kind of cut out because I had a really bad sprained ankle, so I was only really one-legged, but we worked around it and we just basically tried to craft a fight scene that we thought would work for both of us.”

Michael Jai White sees the current UFC fighter as having better acting chops than he realizes. Donald Cerrone is still building his career as an actor.

“Yeah, well, my advice is that he’s better than he thinks he is,” White said about the UFC lightweight. “He was a little down on himself. I understand to some degree because I’m like this. He didn’t like to see himself, and I was showing him some of his work in The Outlaw Johnny Black, and he kind of shied away from it, but his wife really thought he was really good and I thought he was really good. I wanted him to bolster his confidence a bit more. But yeah, he’s one of these guys that, a lot of the alpha males, you’re not comfortable with being celebrated. He’s just kind of a modest guy. So yeah, he’s a pleasure to work with and I’m happy to see him doing more and more work. He did his first lead recently.”

It’s clear that Donald Cerrone remains humble outside of the UFC and takes his acting very seriously. Michael Jai White sees him having a bright future if he keeps working hard.