
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: All Multiplayer Modes At Launch

Explore the diverse and action-packed Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: All Multiplayer Modes At Launch, including 3v3v3 battles & 6v6 classics.

Captain Price with the Modern Warfare 3 logo with caption "All Multiplayer Modes Available"

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is set to make its anticipated debut on November 10, 2023. With a week out from release, Activision has pulled the curtains back to reveal an expansive multiplayer mode lineup that players can dive into upon the game's release. Additional modes are also slated to roll out in the subsequent weeks, ensuring that players remain engaged and challenged.

Modern Warfare 3 has designed its multiplayer modes to suit a variety of player counts, ensuring a diverse gameplay experience. Here's a breakdown of the game modes players can expect:

  • 3v3v3 Mode – Cutthroat: A unique departure from the traditional two-team setup, Cutthroat introduces a three-team battle royale. Each squad must outmaneuver two opponents simultaneously, making strategy paramount. The gameplay accelerates as teams scramble to achieve the round win limit, creating a heightened sense of urgency and competition.

6v6 Modes:

  • Team Deathmatch: A staple in the Call of Duty franchise, this mode is all about player versus player combat. Teams must communicate, strategize, and execute plans efficiently to accumulate kills. The match concludes when one team reaches the pre-set score, ensuring fast-paced action from start to finish.
  • Domination: The battlefield becomes a game of strategic territory control. Points are scattered across the map, and teams must capture and defend these objectives from enemy takeover. Holding more points leads to quicker score accumulation, so constant vigilance is crucial.
  • Search & Destroy: A high-stakes mode where players have only one life per round. Teams alternate between offense, tasked with planting a bomb, and defense, aiming to defuse or prevent the bomb plant altogether. Without mid-round respawns, every player's life is invaluable, and each death can turn the tide of the round.
  • Kill Confirmed: It's not enough just to down an enemy. In this mode, players must retrieve dog tags from fallen foes to score points. However, be wary: enemy teammates can deny score by collecting their ally's tags first.
  • Free-For-All: An every-player-for-themselves melee where alliances are nonexistent. The objective is simple: rack up the most kills. While lone-wolf tactics can prevail, strategy still plays a role, especially as only the top three scorers secure victory.
  • Hardpoint: A dynamic mode where players must capture and hold specific points that rotate periodically. Speed and adaptability are vital as teams rush to each new hardpoint, seeking control while battling opponents.
  • Control: A game of balance and poise, Control has teams taking turns on offense and defense. The attackers aim to capture specific objectives, while defenders must prevent them until the round timer runs out.
  • War Mode: Evoking memories of COD: WWII, this mode is a progressive battle where attackers must complete a series of objectives while defenders resist their advances. Each successful objective pushes the frontline forward, culminating in a final showdown.
  • Gun Game: A true test of versatility. Players start with a basic weapon, but with each kill, they receive a new, often more powerful, weapon. The first player to progress through all weapons and score a kill with the final one emerges as the victor.

32v32 Modes:

  • Ground War: A grand-scale battle where the map becomes a sprawling warzone. Teams vie for control of multiple objectives, with points accruing for the duration each objective is held. Coordination is vital due to the sheer number of players and the vast map size.
  • Invasion: An expansive Team Deathmatch that pushes the limits of warfare. Not only do players combat rival human opponents, but AI soldiers also join the fray, adding another layer of complexity. The team with the most combined kills at the end secures victory.

Additionally, the Hardcore mode pushes players' limits by minimizing the HUD, reducing player health, and introducing friendly fire. The Firing Range and Training Course serve as ideal practice arenas for weapon testing and skill enhancement, respectively.

Continuing the tradition of offering flexibility and customization to its players, Modern Warfare 3 includes the option of Private Matches. Within this mode, players can tailor game settings across all modes to fit their preferences. Whether looking to devise new strategies, practice specific skills, or simply enjoy some friendly matches, Private Matches cater to those desires.