Mother 3 producer Shinichi Kameoka, happy for Earthbound and Earthbound Beginnings arriving on the Switch, petitions for the third game in the series, Mother 3, to finally have an official Western release.

Unlike the first two games in the Mother series (which are called Earthbound in the West), Mother 3 never reached Western shores. Mother, the first game, was called Earthbound Beginnings in the West, was released in 1989 for the NES / Famicom. Mother 2, or Earthbound, was released in 1994 for the SNES / Super Famicom. The final game in the series, Mother 3, was released on the Gameboy Advance in 2006. Mother was set to receive an English localization, until the developers decided to go for Mother 2 instead, naming it Earthbound. It will not receive the Earthbound Beginnings treatment until 2015 when it was released as part of the Wii U Virtual Console. The third game never received an English version because, allegedly, Nintendo feared that its dark themes would stir controversy in the West.

Now, Nintendo has just released Earthbound and Earthbound Beginnings on the Nintendo Switch Online NES and SNES apps. This happened right after Nintendo announced that it was going to happen during the February 9 Nintendo Direct. In reaction to that announcement, Mother 3 producer Shinichi Kameoka revealed that, much like fans, he desires for the game to receive an official Western release. In an interview with Nintendo Everything, Kameoka says: “As a lover of games, I will continue to wait for Mother 3’s release worldwide release (in English).”

Mother 3 celebrated its 15-year anniversary last year, and Nintendo only celebrated it by releasing some screenshots from the game as wallpapers. Hopefully, Nintendo realizes that the immense demand for a Western release of Mother 3 would make any controversies it might cause upon release to be worth it. It should be ported on to the Nintendo Switch at the very least, if not a full-on remake.