By now we're still scrambling to unpack what the heck happened to the “scary hours” dream. James Harden was brought into the Nets' camp to be the final superstar-caliber complementary piece to Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving. But instead, by the time we learned Harden wasn't very happy, the trade winds had accumulated into a tornado.

It was hard enough to wrap our collective minds in Nets Nation around the fact these playoffs might be the final run for The Big 3. By the time we could worry about losing one of Harden or Irving to free agency, the trio didn't even make it through the trade deadline. But as fans, we're not the only ones caught off guard.

Kevin Durant broke his silence on the matter before the team's road game in Miami on Saturday. Durant, still rehabbing from the MCL he sprained a month ago on Jan. 15, has had to watch his team lose 10 consecutive games in a row now. It must be crushing for him knowing that he cannot help. What's worse, his superstar teammate James Harden quickly grew disgruntled over time and now he's gone. KD didn't get time to fix it.

Earlier, via his substack newsletter, Marc Stein wrote the following on Harden's frustrations:

“Beyond the rampant skepticism about the severity of his latest hamstring injury, on top of the ever-present questions about his substandard conditioning and how much it contributed to his unending hamstring troubles as a Net, Harden has been a brooding presence for months. League sources say there were times before Durant's injury that the two stars, for reasons unclear, were hardly communicating — followed by the chaos of the past few Durant-less weeks when Harden stopped connecting with anyone to passive-aggressively convey he no longer wanted to be there.”

And it sounds like by the time Kevin Durant had learned his teammate was so frustrated, it was too late. Things were too far gone. According to Brian Lewis of the New York Post, Durant said he didn't have a chance to try to address whatever was bothering Harden:

Per The Athletic's Alex Schiffer Durant added “I'm proud of the brand of basketball we played,” with regards to the short-lived Big 3 era.

When Kyrie Irving spoke following the last game, he tried to take the high road. Kyrie sort of hints that his own vaccination status may have been a factor in Harden's quiet frustrations. Maybe Harden didn't see any point in speaking up since Irving wasn't going to get vaccinated anyway. Who knows?

“James probably couldn’t see what we were getting into, obviously with my status being in-and-out, you know I saw a few things that maybe could have impacted things, but who knows,” said Irving.

According to a report by ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski and Ramona Shelburne, which came out following the blockbuster trade that landed Ben Simmons, Seth Curry, and Andre Drummond in Brooklyn, Harden was “passive-aggressive.” That idea vibes with what Stein wrote too. Reports suggest Harden didn't share with everyone how unhappy he was, instead making it sound like he wanted to stay in Brooklyn long-term. But behind the scenes, he behaved differently.

Per Woj and Shelburne:

“It wasn't lost on teammates that Harden continued his late-night social activities, especially on the Nets' last Western Conference trip this month. His play, often dispassionate and sloppy, culminated with a four-point performance in a loss to the lowly Sacramento Kings. Maybe Harden could maintain this lifestyle in his 20s, but it wasn't working now. For a player purporting to have a hand and hamstring injury, this wasn't inspiring confidence within a team in freefall.”

Like Durant, both head coach Steve Nash and Sean Marks both intimated things deteriorated quickly; they didn't have clear information months ago Harden was upset. Nash said he didn't ever get specific word that Harden was unhappy. They talked more about day-to-day ways to improve the team.

It all sounds like Harden said one thing, but demonstrated something else. And now, for better or for worse, the blockbuster trade is through. And both teams will look to move forwards. And KD can hope his current teammates will be a little more forthcoming with him from now on.