Krafton Inc. and Castlevania Executive Producer Adi Shankar team up for an animated series of the granddaddy of battle royale games – PUBG. Krafton Inc. made a great acquisition in Shankar since he is no stranger to turning video games into animated interpretations. 

Castlevania’s well-received animated show on Netflix caught the attention of Krafton Inc. The show inspired them to create their very own animated series of the massively popular battle royale game. Since Shankar will be working on this project, we could see extra effort into making the show knowing that Shankar is an active PUBG player himself. 

Adi Shankar is on a mission to cement the gaming culture in the film industry. This is a great opportunity for him to achieve his goal. PUBG is still one of the top games being played today, which only means that the fanbase of the franchise is huge. Notably, over the years PUBG has constantly been expanding the franchise on multiple platforms such as mobile and consoles. Just imagine the immensity of players from their respective gaming platforms all around the world. Interestingly, PUBG also has a rich and deep story building up across its updates.

With all that being said, it’s very possible that Shankar could recreate the magic he once did with Castlevania on Netflix. He says about the project, “I look forward to revealing to everybody what winning a chicken dinner looks like.” The producer is obviously determined to deliver a blockbuster animated series for PUBG fans. As of now, there are no official statements regarding when the series will release.