It's been tough to totally focus on the start of the Las Vegas Raiders 2023 season with all of the Chandler Jones drama taking place off the field for the team currently. Nobody really knows what's going on with Jones, but he has continued to go on strange social media rants, almost always taking shots at people within the Raiders organization along the way.

That happened once again on Thursday morning, with Chandler Jones going on a long-winded rant covering numerous subjects, despite the fact that very little of what he was saying made sense. Here are just a few things Jones said in his latest rant, which includes shots at Raiders head coach Josh McDaniels and owner Mark Davis.

Make of this what you will, but this just follows a concerning line of behavior from Chandler Jones that has been going on for a few weeks now. Nobody really knows what's going on with him, but he's clearly not happy with something the Raiders have done, and is continuing to air his grievances on the internet.

The more Jones says on social media, the bigger he seems to be digging his grave when it comes to his NFL career. There's almost no way he will be taking the field for Las Vegas again, and it's tough to see any team wanting to take a risk on him given what has been going on with him lately. Jones' well-being is certainly more important, though, and whether or not he is ever able to return to the field is of secondary importance to him getting whatever help he may need.