Ubisoft recently posted the Rainbow Six Siege Y7S4 Solar Raid Pre-Season patch notes, listing down changes to various operators and weapons. Head on below to see the Siege Y7S4 patch notes.

We recently talked about the new things coming to Operation Solar Raid. This includes the new Defense Operator, the new map, as well as some balance changes to the operators. To be specific, we mentioned the speed and armor changes to Dokkaebi, Sens, and Osa. As it turns out, according to a Ubisoft post, they are not the only operators getting a balance change. Let's go through all of the Rainbow Six Siege Y7S4 Solar Raid pre-season patch notes, the reasonings behind the changes, as well as the general changes.

Rainbow Six Siege Y7S4 Solar Raid Pre-Season Patch Notes

All Operators

  • Normalized movement speed while ADS.
    • All operators now move at 2.34m/s while in ADS. This is the current movement speed of 3 armor operators when they ADS. This is less than those for 2 speed 2 armor operators(2.6 m/s) and 3 speed 1 armor operators. As mentioned in our previous article, this change aims to balance out the playing field for everyone. Currently, faster operators have an advantage as they can still move fast even while ADS. Thanks to that, they can just rush in and easily score headshots against those slower than them. This change aims to turn fights into battles of precision, and not luck
  • Hipe fire precision is now the same for all operator stances.
    • Going prone or crouching no longer improves your hip fire accuracy. This is another change that aims to turn gun fights into battles of precision, and not just luck.

Specific Operator Balances

  • Alibi
    • Removed 1.5x sight from MX4 Storm
    • Prisma is no longer detected as an operator when thrown outside the building
      • Alibi's presence and KD are on the rise thanks to the 1.5x sight on her MX4. This change aims to tone her down a bit. They also removed the Prisma interaction to stop the warning message from being on screen all the time.
  • Aruni
    • Now a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator from being a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator
      • Reducing her speed should help limit the destruction Aruni can cause, as she has a lot of time on her hands.
  • Dokkaebi
    • Now a 3 Speed 1 Armor Operator from being a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator
      • Dokkaebi's increased speed should help her whenever she needs to relocate fast. This can be to cover long angles with her DMR and BOSG or to pick up phones on the other side of the map. This can also be helpful when she needs to rejoin her teammates.
  • Echo
    • Now a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator from being a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator
      • The increased speed is meant to help Echo relocate faster and help his team with his Yokai Drones. The decreased armor, on the other hand, forces Echo players to be careful with engagements, especially near the end of rounds.
  • Ela
    • Now a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator from being a 3 Speed 1 Armor Operator
      • The decrease in speed helps offset the buff she received when her Scorpion EVO 3's recoil got buffed. The recoil buff made the gun useful at all ranges, so this change aims to preemptively nerf her.
  • Melusi
    • Now a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator from being a 3 Speed 1 Armor Operator
      • The armor change aims to help Melusi in short-range fights with her shotgun when staying near her Banshees. The speed decrease, on the other hand, forces her to stay close to her Banshees so she can react to them faster.
  • Mute
    • Now a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator from being a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator
      • This change aims to reinforce the use of the shotgun for site prep and short-range engagements. The extra health will help Mute survive said engagements.
  • Osa
    • Now a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator from being a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator
      • As mentioned in the previous article, Osa's health increase should help her survive engagements while using her Shield. This is because her limbs are exposed whenever she is holding her shield up. The increased health should help her survive longer.
  • Sens
    • Now a 3 Speed 1 Armor Operator from being a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator
      • The speed change should help Sens follow her R.O.U Projector closer, allowing her to execute site entrances faster.
  • Sledge
    • Now a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator from being a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator
      • This change aims to make Sledge players play more carefully. The lowered speed forces Sledge to be careful when destroying walls, floors, or barricades. Meanwhile, the increased health should help him survive engagements or explosions that come from him destroying walls, floors, or barricades/
  • Thatcher
    • Now a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator from being a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator
      • Thatcher's slower speed means he will take more time to clear out Defender gadgets for breaching. This change aims to lower his ban rate, as he will no longer be a fast gadget clearer. Alongside this nerf comes the introduction of the EMP Impact Grenade. Ubisoft wants to see if these changes will affect his ban rate. Down the line, they also want to work on a possible Thatcher rework. The effects of this change will help their decision regarding the rework.
  • Thunderbird
    • Now a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator from being a 3 Speed 1 Armor Operator
      • The speed change aims to make Thunderbird players play more passively near their Kona stations. Her increased health, on the other hand, aims to make her play more like an anchor.
  • Zero
    • Now a 3 Speed 1 Armor Operator from being a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator
      • The speed increase aims to help Zero in setting up his cameras. The lower health, on the other hand, forces players to play a little more safely, as he now takes fewer bullets to down. Personally, this makes him closer to the Stealth-based Sam Fisher from the original games.
  • Zofia
    • Now a 1 Speed 3 Armor Operator from being a 2 Speed 2 Armor Operator
      • Zofia's decreased speed helps in lowering her versatility, as she can do basically everything on her own. This also helps in differentiating her from Ash, as they do almost the same things.

Weapon Balances

  • AK-12 (Ace and Fuze)
    • Damage reduced from 45 to 40
      • This damage change specifically targets Ace, who can use this weapon to great effect when breaching and fragging. While Fuze is also affected by this change, Ubisoft doesn't expect it to have the same effect on him.
  • C7E (Jackal)
    • Magazine size increased to 30 from 25
      • This reverts the magazine size change from last year, as the recoil changes already make the gun slightly harder to use. This increase in magazine size should also help Jackal in taking on multiple defenders without reloading as much.
  • FMG 9 (Nokk and Smoke, PC Specific)
    • Increased upward vertical recoil speed
    • Increased general spread with a slight tendency to go left for horizontal recoil
      • This change specifically targets Nokk, as most Nokk players run this gun with a silencer to great effect. The lack of recoil-mitigating attachments on the barrel now makes the gun a bit harder to use.
  • 6P41 (Finka and Fuze, Console Specific)
    • First bullet kick intensity increased
    • Increased upward vertical recoil speed
      • While effective on PC, the recoil changes to LMGs did not work as well on consoles. This change aims to fix that by increasing the recoil intensity.
  • LMG-E (Zofia, Console SPecific)
    • First bullet kick intensity increased
    • Increased upward vertical recoil speed
      • This nerf, alongside the M762 buff, aims to lower this weapon's pick rate by increasing its recoil.

Quality of Life update

  • Friendly Fire now disabled during prep phase
    • Accidentally damaging allies during prep phase when opening up rotation holes with shotguns and grenades is a regular occurrence. Friendly fire also happens when trying to shoot down attacker drones. This update should help defenders in that regard so that they don't accidentally start the match with one less member.

That's all of the changes listed in the pre-season patch notes for Rainbow Six Siege Y7S4 Operation Solar Raid. For more gaming news from us, click here.