Without a doubt, Stranger Things has been one of the best shows to come out during the past decade. Its clear callback to the 80s, and everything great in it, and a very engaging storyline that has captured the hearts and minds of millions has elevated it to become a classic in the making for the years to come. And along with the series itself, there are more than a handful of characters that have made their mark on popular culture in more ways than one.

While there are a lot to choose from there can only be a select few at the top of the mountain. We take a look below at the five best characters from Stranger Things.

Ranking the 5 best Stranger Things characters

Stranger Things, Entertainment

5. Jim Hopper

At the start of Stranger Things, we see Jim Hopper play the role of Hawkins' chief of police, albeit a jaded one at that. Years after losing his daughter and going through a divorce, he then stumbles upon the case of the missing Will Byers, which leads him to adopt Eleven. From there, the evolution of Hopper from a disgruntled middle-aged man to a man with a purpose has been a good one.

But it isn't taking care of Eleven that ultimately gives him purpose as a man. Even as early as season one, we already see seeds of Hopper's admiration for Joyce Byers. Those seeds would culminate when the latter went above and beyond to rescue Hopper from a Russian prison in Stranger Things 4.

What makes Jim Hopper stand out is how he has evolved from season one to four without taking anything big away from his character. At his core, he is still the same cynical police chief with a dry sense of humor and a big heart hidden beneath all of the loss he endured. This growth alone makes him worthy in the eyes of Eleven, Joyce, and other characters who depend on him for stability and leadership during trying times.

4. Max Mayfield

Introduced in Stranger Things 2, Max could have easily gone on to play a one-dimensional female friend to Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, and Will Byers. Instead of going that route, Sadie Sink's character in the show had a very interesting story arc that culminated in season four.

When we first saw Max, Stranger Things fans encountered a witty young girl who found a place to belong, thanks to Dustin and the gang. We also discovered her complex family, with Billy causing most of the conflict from that angle. But while it's easy to stay stagnant, the show's creators made good use of Billy's death to push Max's growth in season four.

And in the current season, we see Max become her own character in several key moments of Stranger Things 4. Most notable, of course, is the one where she escaped Vecna in the Upside Down, which became a way for Max to become more relatable and popular among fans. In any case, the final two episodes will surely see her taking on a larger role before the season ends.

3. Dustin Henderson

Among all the young boys that started in Stranger Things, none could have captured the public's attention faster than Dustin Henderson. His definitive curly locks and toothless smile, along with a geek-centric charm, made him the instant darling of the cast to people everywhere.

But what people saw on the surface actually hid something better for Dustin as the show progressed. His character constantly displayed courage and intellect in situations that could have easily overwhelmed anyone of his age. For instance, Dustin's cleverness was crucial to him, Dustin, Robin, and Erica making it out alive from the Russian lab hidden beneath Hawkins' Starcourt Mall.

But above everything else, Dustin has stayed true to his character as he grew older on the show. While Mike spent time with Eleven, Lucas grew to be a basketball star, and Will mostly kept to himself, Dustin showed that one can still stay lovable and charming, even with a child transitioning into a teenager.

2. Steve Harrington

Speaking of charm, perhaps the best Stranger Things character in that regard is no other than Steve Harrington. What started out as a douchey jock turned out to be one of the show's most endearing personalities.

During the events of Stranger Things 1, Steve was seen as an annoying jerk who stood in the way of Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler's happiness. In season two and with the loss of his friends in high school, Steve turned more to Dustin and the younger kids as they tackled a new threat from the Upside Down. Season three saw Steve take on more adult responsibilities out of high school. On the other hand, his interaction with Robin as the season moved on became one of its highlights.

This season, though, we're seeing Steve become more of a leader among the people who knew him. With Jonathan in California, the once-annoying jerk in season one has stood up to take care of Nancy, Robin, and those younger than him, especially with Joyce rescuing Hopper from captivity. This evolution alone is more than enough to elevate Steve as one of the show's best characters.

1. Eleven

Although all the previous characters have their own merits, none have grown more than Eleven herself. What started out as a weird child with the powers of a god has now become a woman finding out her true purpose in everything that's happening in Stranger Things.

Without Eleven in all of this, the show itself would cease to move on. As she is the central character, almost all of the conflict will have to course through her. Also, the resolution of the whole story, which involves everyone else, would also have to come from Eleven herself.

Apart from that, fans have seen how she has evolved to create meaningful relationships, most notably with Mike and Hopper. This just shows that even a person who was grown inside a lab from season one can turn out to be something far better.