After teasing Galactus with a drone show earlier in the weekend, Kevin Feige and the rest of Marvel Studios took to Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con to discuss the future of the MCU, and needless to say, they dropped an absolute bomb regarding the next Avengers movie, Avengers: Doomsday.

Taking the stage surrounded by actors wearing Dr. Doom outfits, one walked to the forefront to reveal himself as none other than Robert Downey Jr., arguably Mr. MCU, who seemingly left the franchise with the death of his beloved character Tony Stark.

The crowd went wild, the internet shortly followed and in his return, the long-time Iron Man actor let it be known that he was going to be playing Dr. Doom in the MCU moving forward.

“New mask, same task,” Robert Downey Jr. declared. “What can I tell you? I like playing complicated characters.

So what gives? Is this new MCU Dr. Doom the same man as the comics, Victor Von Doom, the Latvian scientist who secured superpowers in the same way as Reed Richards and the rest of the Fantastic Four, through cosmic rays? Or could there be some sort of twist afoot like the shape-shifting used by Kang the Conqueror, who unleashed a whole new set of variables into the MCU?

While more news will certainly trickle out over the next few days, weeks, and months, as the movie isn't coming out until May of 2026, the Fantastic Four movie, staring Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, and Joseph Quinn, is set to come out in July of 2025. Will fans have a chance to see the metal-faced villain at some point in this movie, either in his “normal” form, as a teaser during the post-credit scene, or something in between? Only time will tell, but needless to say, fans are incredibly excited to see how it all shakes out.