Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry visited the Ellen show this week along with First Lady Michelle Obama.

During a segment of the show Ellen asked Curry about his recent golf outing with President Obama.

Curry claimed that he was a better golfer than the POTUS, but wouldn't disclose what his handicap really is.

I’m a better golfer, but obviously, you put in the handicaps so everything is fair. The last two times I’ve played I’ve lost to him. I’m a two, but I was told not to disclose that information on our president. Our president said that’s top secret.

Curry also did a pretty good impersonation of President Obama when mimicking the trash talking that went on during the game between the two.

You know how during his speeches he has that kind of slow cadence that kind of draws you in? He brings that same kind of vibe to his trash talk. So I’ll hit a ball out of bounds and he’ll just look and be like, ‘yeah, that’s not a good shot'.

Michelle Obama offered Curry some advice for trash talking afterwards and told him to make fun of the President's ears, and that'll be good enough payback.

As you’re putting, you want to say, ‘The shadow from your ears is really messing up my putt'.

Curry doesn't seem to be happy about going down twice in a row, so there will be a rematch.