Let's find love in Melbourne. The season is heating up as Jenn Tran has brought over the remaining bachelors who are looking for a shot to win Tran's heart. In the season premiere, Tran told the men vying for attention that they would not be sleeping at the Bachelorette house. While it came as a shock to the contestants — and us as viewers — Jenn revealed that the new season will be taking place in Melbourne, Australia. Take a look below at the highlights of season 21, episode two.

First Group Date

Jenn Trann is wasting no time in wanting to learn more about the men on her season. The episode starts off with the men calling her name from a bridge. It later switched to a scene where they were all hanging out in their new home for the next couple of weeks as the men's name who were selected to join on the group date. Devin, Jonathan, Brian, Grant, Marvin, Jeremy, Sam N, and Aaron were selected for the first group date.

The first date took place at Victoria Market, where they took turns trying out Australian delicacies, including kangaroo testicles, which many agreed they would not be trying again. As the group was walking around the market, Devin took it as an opportunity to get some alone time with Jenn. He took her hand and walked her over to get gelato away from the group, which did not go well.

In his confessional, Aaron said that Devin “crossed the line” by isolating the other guys from the group when they all wanted time with her. Devin seemingly did not care about the other's reactions to him whisking Jenn away and decided to just keep the evening going.

The next stop was the Melbourne International Comedy Special, where each of the guys could make her laugh with their stand-up set. Devin was routinely used as the butt of the joke because of his mini gelato date with Jenn during the group date.

Aaron Vs. Devin

Tensions were flying during the group date after Devin took Jenn away for some gelato, but it only continued to boil over between the two. Devin interrupted Aaron's time on the group date at the after-party by bringing ice cream for him and Jenn to share. After some pushback, Aaron left Jenn and Devin on their date. With some encouragement from the other contestants, Aaron went back into Devin and Jenn's date and asked Devin to leave. The argument got intense between the two, and Aaron eventually left. Devin and Jenn began talking with the two of them and eventually shared a kiss.

Aaron was still heated from their argument and told cameras that he had “taken enough and [is] reaching my breaking point.”

Later in the episode, the two have a one-on-one discussion about their differences. Aaron calls Dylan arrogant, and Devin apologizes for interrupting his date with Jenn. Dylan says that Aaron sees him as a threat, which Aaron dismisses. Aaron believes that Devin “lacks the depth to be with someone with Jenn.” At the end of their conversation, Aaron gives Devin a book titled Principles for Self-Growth. 

In his confessional, Devin said that Aaron is “passive-aggressive” in handing him the book but also miscalling Dylan several times during the episode.

Jenn Tran Selects Who Receives The First Group Date Rose

Despite Aaron and Devin's bickering, Grant emerged victorious and received the group date rose. During their one-on-one time at the after-party, the two shared their first kiss and spoke about the future. The Houston native and Jenn bonded over their excitement about becoming parents in years to come. During Grant's retrieval of the rose, Jenn said that he makes her “excited for the future.”

Jenn Tran Chooses Marcus For First One-On-One Date

Marcus received the first one-on-one date this season. The North Carolina native and Jenn had a date skydiving on a hang glider plane. Jenn made it known that she was nervous about heights and that she needed Marcus to “balance out her nerves.” The former Army Ranger veteran, said that he had jumped out of planes during his deployment in Afghanistan so he wasn't nervous about the ordeal.

After they jumped out of the plane, Marcus picked Jenn up, and they kissed, solidifying their first kiss of the season. Later, they went to dinner, where Marcus was able to get vulnerable with her. Marcus told Jenn of his deployment and how, during a firefight, he got injured when a grenade was tossed into the room. He had to have several surgeries and was an inpatient for months while in recovery. He had to relearn how to walk and during the entire experience it made him “hyper-aware of the fragility of life.”  He has a new outlook on life after the tragedy and wants to “live a life worth saving” after his fellow rangers come to his aid and get him back home.

Jenn appreciated Marcus' vulnerability and that he was so strong and resilient to get where he is today. At the end of their date, they shared another kiss, and he accepted the rose.

Jenn Tran Poses For Wildlife Photoshoot Group Date

During the second part of the episode, Jenn took the remaining guys who did not go on a date this episode on a group date to a wildlife photoshoot. The winner of the photoshoot, based on making themselves known and Jenn comfortable, will get to continue the date with her while the other guys are going back to the hotel.  Jenn posed with each of the contestants as they held koalas, spiders, and furry creatures. Hakeem was notably scared of the spider and repeatedly said that he did not want the spider touching his neck. Towards the end of the date, the next animal Jenn was ready to pose with was an enormous snake. Jenn was scared, but Dylan assured her and stepped up to make her feel secure. Jenn appreciated Dylan's wanting to make her feel comfortable, and he received the one-on-one date.

During their one-on-one, Dylan and Jenn were able to get to know each other more. Dylan spoke about his parents and how he was to emulate their marriage in his own one day with how they support one another and how his father is always making romantic gestures to his mother. The two also bonded on their shared profession in the medical field as Jen is a physician assistant student and Dylan is studying for the MCAT — a medical exam for medical school.

Cocktail Party

The remaining 18 guys attended the cocktail party to get some one-on-one time with Jenn before the rose ceremony. Devin pulled Jenn away first after telling the eight guys from the wildlife shoots he would respect their time. Thomas N. was heated and decided to interrupt Devin's one-on-one time with Jenn. Thomas N. explained the situation, how Devin “lied to the eight guys” about giving the other guys who didn't go on a date with Jenn this week. Ultimately, Jenn was disappointed and didn't entirely feel that Devin was wrong because he didn't specifically say that he was not going to pull her aside first. Jenn said that their arguing over who can talk to her first “takes away her independence.”

Back in the waiting room, Sam M said Devin was not here for the right reasons. Thomas also said that Devin is a bully which Aaron also claimed earlier in the episode.

During the cocktail party, Jenn was able to get closer, including sharing a kiss with Jonathan after they spoke about having the same outlook on life. Jenn said that Spencer made her “feel flirty” after they shared their first kiss. Then she and Sam M. had a steamy makeout session, during which she said that he flusters her.

Rose Ceremony

Unfortunately, Marvin, Jahaan, and Brian did not receive a rose. Thomas N. received the last rose of the night.

The Bachelorette airs new episodes on Mondays on ABC at 8 pm ET.