Yanfei arrived alongside the returning Zhongli. She quickly became one of the more competent DPS characters in the 4-star roster. She has amazing range, ease of gameplay, and great potential with elemental reactions. Because of these, she can definitely be a great carry with decent investment and a bit of luck to obtain her. With this Yanfei guide, you will be able to unlock her potential. Easily melt foes from afar with a barrage of Pyro-infused attacks.

People know Yanfei for her occupation as a keen legal adviser who protects contracts occurring in her home city of Liyue. Despite her very human-like appearance, she possesses the blood of an illuminated beast. You know that she's a part-adepti because of the low-hanging antlers on both sides of her head, which some people mistake as mere accessories. Outside of her official businesses, she comes off as quirky and playful, having an active lifestyle, and being very talkative. However, when contracts are at stake, she takes things seriously even to the point of doing pro bono work for certain clients.

Yanfei is a 4-star Pyro Catalyst character with the unique perk of having quick long-range projectile attacks. She has the ability to gain Scarlet Seals to enhance her charged attacks. When compared to similar catalyst carries, she has longer range than Klee and faster projectile speed than Ningguang. Overall, this makes Yanfei significantly smoother and comfier to play.

4-star carries in this game are few and underrated. Yet, Yanfei proves herself to be versatile and able to run a lot of unique compositions fit for different play styles. If you happen to pull Yanfei and lack a good Pyro carry, Yanfei is definitely a worthwhile investment. She can do even the hardest content, thanks to her smooth attacks and comfortable movements. 

Genshin Impact Guides: Yanfei Abilities Overview

Yanfei’s Elemental Skill, Signed Edict, summons flames in front of her that deal AoE Pyro DMG and provides her with the maximum number of Scarlet Seals. This ability is straightforward, it deals a single multiplier of damage on a 9-second cooldown. There is one drawback, though. This has quite the long cooldown for the mediocre energy it provides. 

Yanfei’s Elemental Burst, Done Deal, deals AoE Pyro DMG around her, providing her with the maximum number of Scarlet Seals, and applying Brilliance. Brilliance is a buff that provides Yanfei a constant source of Scarlet Seals and increases the damage dealt by her Charged Attacks. This ability is costly, requiring 80 energy and having a 20-second cooldown after its 15-second duration. Her Elemental Skill doesn't provide a lot of energy. Hence, it is ideal to allocate Energy Recharge into her or have another Pyro party member like Bennett to give her extra energy.

Best Weapon Build

If you have any of the 5-star catalysts, all of them work exceptionally well. They all provide Yanfei an extra boost to her 4-star power level. Hence, our Yanfei guide on the best weapon builds for her is fairly straightforward.

Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds provides a much-needed Crit Rate for her talent. It also gives a bit of Elemental damage bonus from its passive.

Skyward Atlas has a very high base ATK along with an ATK% substat and extra Elemental damage bonus.

If you managed to obtain a Memory of Dust from the limited weapon banner, it can also work quite well thanks to its passive enhancing her normal attacks. 

Among the 4-star weapon options, the ones that stand out are the Solar Pearl and the Blackcliff Agate. Both provide Crit Rate and Crit Damage respectively. The Widsith is also a good option if you have one, while Mappa Mare is also very solid if you’re using Yanfei in a reaction-heavy team. 

Best Artifact Sets Build

Our Yanfei guide for the best artifact sets for her makes use of her Pyro element a lot. This is to be expected, especially since she's a catalyst-user.

Crimson Witch of Flames – This set is arguably her best equipment when running reaction teams, mainly due to the boost to her Elemental Reactions. The 2-piece effect helps increase her attack damage by a good amount. This bonus can be enhanced up to two times thanks to her Elemental Skill. The best stats to look for are ATK% or Elemental Mastery on her Sands, Pyro% on her Goblet, and Crit Rate/Crit Damage on her Circlet. 

Wanderer’s Troupe – This set is second to Crimson Witch for reaction teams but is somewhat superior when it comes to a Pure Pyro Yanfei thanks to its 4-piece effect which increases Charged Attack DMG by 35% if the character uses a Catalyst or a Bow. Its 2-piece effect providing a good chunk of Elemental Mastery also increases the damage of her reactions.

Instructor – For reaction-heavy teams where the damage mostly comes from Elemental Reactions, this 4-piece set is amazing. It provides Elemental Mastery to Yanfei (2-piece), while also providing all your party members with 120 Elementary Mastery when you trigger an elemental reaction (4-piece). Providing your whole team with a massive chunk of Elemental Mastery should not be underestimated, now that reaction teams are getting more popular and meta in harder content.  

Best Team Composition for Yanfei in Genshin Impact

Yanfei is strictly a carry, as her supportive abilities are close to none. Despite this, Yanfei being a Pyro character allows multiple compositions to revolve around her. This makes her a flexible carry with numerous options on how to build her. Check out our Yanfei Guide on team compositions below:

Overload Yanfei – Thanks to her amazing range, the drawback of Overload is effectively negated on Yanfei. This allows a constant barrage of Overloads, mostly enabled by Fischl’s Talents or Beidou’s Elemental Burst. This can be further enhanced by bringing an Anemo character for massive swirls with Sucrose or Venti’s massive AoE vacuum. Pyro characters who can provide extra energy are also welcome, which includes Bennett and Xiangling. 

Melt/Vaporize Yanfei – Amplifying reactions can be very potent but tricky to pull off consistently with Yanfei’s hyper-frequent application of Pyro. Nevertheless, it can still allow Yanfei to deal significant damage often. Seeing those big Melt numbers will always be satisfying to watch. Rosaria and Kaeya’s Burst can enable the melts for Yanfei, thanks to their consistent application of Cryo. Xingqiu’s Elemental Burst can provide lots of Vaporize and is very easy to use. Mona’s Elemental Burst can be set up to deal massive damage in a short period of time. 

Pyro Attack Yanfei – This might sound pretty stale and not as effective as the other comps, but this build excels very well in Floor 11 of the Spiral Abyss. This floor inflicts Slowing Water to your party, which significantly increases the cooldowns of all your abilities. But Yanfei doesn't care about cooldowns and rotations. Wanderer’s Troupe is the recommended artifact set for this build. For your team composition, simply bring a good healer and elements that counter certain enemies on the floor.