The game developers behind the recently released game The Day Before, Fntastic have announced that they are closing. This is after the game’s disastrous launch and even more disastrous aftermath.

After experiencing delay after delay, The Day Before’s release date finally rolled around. However, the game was anything but what was promised. This has led to the game receiving an Overwhelmingly Negative rating on Steam. After all, players were promised a “post-apocalyptic open-world MMO survival”. But instead, what players got was a very broken extraction shooter, in a sparsely populated world where players can’t even melee enemies. Some players defended the game, saying that it was in Early Access and that the developers would improve it. However, that is no longer possible.

Just four days after the release of The Day Before, Fntastic announced that they would be shutting down. Their post on X (formerly Twitter) stated that the game had “failed financially”, and that they “lack the funds to continue.” They also mentioned that “all income received is being used to pay off debts to our partners.” They reiterated their stance that the game wasn’t a scam by mentioning that they “didn’t take any money from the public during the development of The Day Before; there were no pre-orders or crowdfunding campaigns.”

Players were, understandably, furious with the announcement. Players who have been calling the game a scam since before its release only increased in number after what players are calling a “rug pull”. The game’s official Discord server has removed all of the text channels as people are spamming them with “spam” or refund requests. The moderators of the official Reddit page have even changed the banner and icon of the subreddit to a clown edit of the game’s cover.

Thankfully, players are getting refunded by Steam. As per @MischiefsYT’s post on X, Steam has already delisted the game for purchase. Although the game is still searchable on Steam, players can no longer purchase the game. Not only that, but Steam has already refunded quite a lot of the purchases. It will likely only be a matter of time before everyone gets refunded.

That’s all the information we have about the closing of Fntastic, just four days after the release of The Day Before. Check out our gaming news articles for the latest in gaming news.