With 3 episodes under its belt, the current season of The Mandalorian on Disney Plus is already shaping up to be an awesome one. And along with a heavy focus on a minor antagonist from seasons 1 and 2, the latest installment is filled with clever detail that will blow the minds of Star Wars fans out there. We take a look at The Mandalorian season 3 episode 3 easter eggs down below and what they truly mean.

6 The Mandalorian season 3 episode 3 easter eggs

Star Wars, The Mandalorian, Entertainment

6. The attack on Kalevala

With Din Djarin claiming his redemption from the Living Waters of Mandalore as episode 2 ended, he and his companions go back to Bo-Katan Kryze's home in Kalevala. Just as they were entering the planet's orbit, a squadron of TIE interceptors attack Kryze's Gauntlet, which leads her to drop Din to his N-1 Naboo Starfighter. With the odds evened out, the pair make short work of their assailants in no time at all.

The thing is, these fighters were just the tip of the iceberg as another squadron of TIE bombers destroy Clan Kryze's castle on Kalevala, reminiscent of what the Empire did to Mandalore during The Night of a Thousand Tears. Upon witnessing the destruction of her home, Bo-Katan races off to take these ships out, only to find countless other TIE fighters on the horizon. Din convinces the former Mandalorian regent to escape as there are too many of them to fight on their own.

The appearance of these fighters seems to indicate that the Empire is still operating in some sort in the galaxy with a significant number of ships in their command. Since these short-range fighters don't use hyperdrive engines, it begs the question of which command and capital ships did they come from. And while there's still a lot of season 3 left to reveal this detail, there's a good chance these TIE fighters and bombers belong to one of Star Wars' best antagonists not named Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine.

5. Dr. Pershing's work on cloning

Appearing before a crowd, Doctor Penn Pershing announces his regret for his work as an Imperial scientist and vows to help the New Republic in any way he can. He also mentions his work on cloning has led to combining different genetic strands to create a new organism called a strandcast. He also mentions the Kaminoans and the use of their technology making his research on cloning possible.

This might seem like a self-contained detail but it can possibly lead to two important developments in the Sequel Trilogy – how Snoke was created and by what means Emperor Palpatine survived. It looks like Star Wars will be using these plot points in The Mandalorian to make more sense of the movies that came out several years ago.

4. The New Republic's Amnesty Program

It should be remembered that Dr. Pershing was apprehended by the New Republic sometime in season 2 for his work as an Imperial scientist under Moff Gideon. In season 3, though, he's now part of the Amnesty Program, a Republic effort to integrate former members of the Empire.

This program's coverage seems to be extensive as dedicated housing,  follow-up therapy sessions, and employment are given to these individuals to help them integrate back into the new society after the Empire's fall. It remains to be seen how the Republic's Amnesty Program will figure into future episodes of the Mandalorian and other upcoming Star Wars series on Disney Plus.

3. Benduday and Taungsday

While Dr. Pershing and G68, a former Imperial communications officer under Moff Gideon, are traveling to the disposal yard, the latter mentions about the day being Benduday to another commuter. Also, Taungsday was also mentioned at some point in the episode.

Both of these days are used in Star Wars' in-universe calendar. Benduday comes from the word Bendu, a mysterious creature first mentioned in Rebels. Meanwhile, Taungsday comes from the Taung, a human-like race that first inhabited Mandalore and became the first Mandalorians there.

2. The disposal yard

Upon reaching the disposal yard, both Dr. Pershing and G68 enter a decommisioned Star Destroyer. It was mentioned earlier during the episode that these ships, along with those used by the Rebel Alliance, are slated to be disposed following the Military Disarmament Act, an agreement between the New Republic and the remnant of Imperial forces to promote peace after the Galactic Civil War.

Pershing would then reach a laboratory inside the Star Destroyer to obtain the equipment he needs to continue his research on clonning. Right before he can escape, New Republic police arrive on the scene to apprehend Pershing after being framed by G68.

1. Bo-Katan's joins the Children of the Watch

After escaping from Mandalore, Din takes Bo-Katan, Grogu, and R5-D4 to a planet where his Mandalorian covert resides. They are taken by Paz Vizla to the Armorer who then confirms that Din has been to the Living Waters, therefore redeeming himself in the process. What's surprising, though, is that she also confirms that Bo-Katan has bathed in the water and hasn't taken her helmet off since, making her eligible to join the Watch.

During the events of the Clone Wars, Bo-Katan Kryze was a member of the Death Watch, a group of Mandalorians who favored their planet's warrior cluture over the reigning pacifist government. Bo-Katan would later on fight against the Watch after aligning with Darth Maul. It remains to be seen how her return to this group will play out in the coming episodes. Until then stay tuned to The Mandalorian on Disney Plus to get your weekly fix of Star Wars.