Last week's ending saw the Armorer tasking Bo-Katan Kryze to unite all the different clans of Mandalore just as the covert was given a new home on Nevarro. This week, though, the stakes are a little higher as something surprising happens to Din Djarin, Grogu, and Bo-Katan. Learn more from The Mandalorian season 3 episode 6 ending explained and find out what happened in this week's installment of everyone's favorite Star Wars series.

The Mandalorian season 3 episode 6 ending explained

The Mandalorian, Star Wars, Disney PlusIn this week's The Mandalorian season 3 episode 6 recap, we see an Imperial ship flag down a Quarren ship as its captain attempts to barter with its crew. Shortly after, it's revealed that a group of Mandalorians have taken control of the Imperial ship and have been hired by the Mon Calamari to take the Quarrens down and bring back a prince home. Koska Reeves takes the young Mon Calamari back to their ship to complete the mission they were hired for.

With the Armorer's task in her heart, Bo-Katan Kryze takes Din Djarin and Grogu to meet Axe Wolves and convince his forces to join their covert. Upon landing, they are met by two Imperial droids, making them question their presence on Plazir-15. The three are then taken before the system's ruler, Captain Bombardier, a former Imperial planning officer played by Jack Black, and his wife, the planet's Duchess as portrayed by Lizzo. The two take Bo-Katan, Din, and Grogu on a walk and confide in them about a droid problem they”re having. They further expound that these are battle droids and they have been causing chaos inside the city. In exchange for their help, they promise to recognize Mandalore as a sovereign system.

Inside a central monitoring location, Commisioner Helgait, played by Christopher Lloyd, shows Din and Bo-Katan how the battle droids have been causing trouble. He adds that these droids can't be shut down completely because their society will collapse. The officer asks them to take down the rogue droids so they can repair the whole system right away.

Din and Bo-Katan proceed to a lower level to speak with a group of Ugnaughts about the malfunctioning droids. One of them assures the two that the droids are not malfunctioning. Din then gets the locations of the malfunctioning droids and he takes Bo-Katan to the first of them – a dock where a host of these are working. After knocking one of the droids over, it knocks Din down and a chase ensues as the two Mandalorians follow it. Bo-Katan manages to shoot the super battle droid down after it caused severe property damage and alarming Plazir-15's citizens.

After finding a lead, Bo-Katan and Din enter a bar filled with droids. Bo-Katan tries to interrogate the barkeeper peacefully while Din starts to become aggressive. The two find out that the planet's droids are afraid that they will be replaced by humans. Bo-Katan and Din speak to the barkeeper in its private quarters and learn all about Nepenthe – a special kind of oil that reprogram droids to do a different function than the one they were originally imbued with. The two head on to check the body of the super battle droid they took down and find the presence of Nepenthe inside it. All of a sudden, a floating droid assistant attacks them, causing Din to take it down using the Darksaber.

Upon close inspection, they learn Nepenthe is filled with nanobots and possesses a chain code. The code further revealed that the person responsible for causing these droids to malfunction is no other than Commissioner Helgait himself. With this information now known, Din and bo-Katan question Helgait about his involvement in the matter. Before he can be taken in, the old commissioner threatens to activate all the droids to attack the citizens. It's later revealed that he's a Separatist, causing Bo-Katan to take him out quickly.

Back in the ruling chamber, Din and Bo-Katan present Helgait as the reason for the droids' malfunction to Bombardier and the Duchess. He is exiled by the Duchess for his actions and rewards Din and Bo-Katan with a key to the system for their effort in solving the case. Grogu is also granted knighthood by the Duchess.

With the job done, Bo-Katan, Din, and Grogu approach the Mandalorian forces on Plazir-15 to speak to them. Upon arrival, Bo-Katan demands his former comrades to stand down. She challenges Axe for the leadership, something which the latter accepts. The two duke it out with Bo-Katan ultimately winning. After doing so, she talks to the Mandalorians present about being stronger together. After Axe questions the legitimacy of Bo-Katan's claim, Din explains to everyone that the Darksaber rightfully belongs to her after saving him beneath Mandalore's surface using the said sword.

Now that the Darksaber is in her possession, Mandalorians around them acknowledges Bo-Katan's leadership as she activates the Darksaber again.

What just happened? The Mandalorian season 3 episode 6 recap

The first half of The Mandalorian season 3 episode 6 recap mostly deals with Bo-Katan and Din assisting Plazir-15's government in quelling their droid problem. With a number of cameo appearances by Jack Black, Lizzo, Christopher Lloyd, Ugnaughts, and the battle droids from the Clone Wars, this portion felt light and didn't add that much to the overall story.

Things get more interesting after being given access to the Mandalorians occupying the space outside the city. After regaining the leadership of her Mandalorian forces, there were still some who questioned Din's status as one of them. Bo-Katan defends him, just as Din presents proof that the real owner of the Darksaber isn't him anymore. The episode ends with Bo-Katan becoming the Darksaber's new owner and the rightful ruler of Mandalore. Stay tuned next week to find out what happens after this shocking development and how it will impact the fate of Mandalorians all over the galaxy.