It’s that season! HBCU Homecoming season is officially upon us. If you are an HBCU student, faculty, or alumni this is probably your favorite time of the year. Homecoming is a time when people near and far come together to celebrate the pride they have for their HBCU. Whether you’re a homecoming vet or rookie we have you covered with our list of HBCU Homecoming Do’s and Don’ts

Do: Go to class 

Contrary to what you may have heard, going to class during homecoming is important. Most professors understand the nature of homecoming and will either cancel the class or cut it short for students to enjoy. But, there will be professors who will conduct classes at their usual time and length. Regardless of the kind of teacher you have, go to class. Homecoming is only one week, and you don’t want to fall behind because of it.

Don’t: Wander off by yourself.

Hundreds and sometimes thousands of people attend HBCU homecomings around the nation. Therefore, it is easy to get separated from your friends. Whether it’s an on or off-campus event always travel with a group of people. Before attending homecoming events such as the tailgate, discuss a meeting spot in case you do get separated from your group.

Do: Put that stuff on!

Going to an HBCU can be one big fashion show. But homecoming is in a league all on its own. Both students and alumni spend weeks preparing their best outfits to showcase on the yard. If you’re attending an HBCU homecoming this fall, make sure you put your best foot forward when it comes to your outfit. There is one rule when it comes to choosing outfits for an HBCU homecoming, “Drip or Drown.”

Don’t: Wait until the last minute to buy party/event tickets.

Schools release their homecoming schedules weeks in advance before the actual event, which allows plenty of time to get tickets to any event or party that you want to attend. Whether it’s tickets to the football game or the alumni day party, get your tickets early. Homecoming only happens once a year therefore all the highly anticipated events tend to sell out fast. Prices for events and parties increase the closer it gets to homecoming. So, do yourself a favor and get them as early as you can.

Do: Respect the campus culture and rules.

 Whether you are a student, alumni, or a visitor please respect the culture and rules of the campus of the homecoming you are attending. Each campus has its own culture and the way that they do homecoming. Be respectful of the rules of campus as well as the customs that have been set into place. By doing this it makes for a much better homecoming experience for everyone involved.

Don’t: Miss the halftime performance.

People often assume that the reason that people attend the games during homecoming is to simply watch the game. That may be true for other schools but for HBCU people attend the game JUST to see the band. HBCU bands show out throughout the year but during homecoming, they truly give their greatest performance. It can be tempting to leave the football game early especially if your school is losing but do yourself a favor and stay for halftime. The band will put on a performance that you don’t want to miss.