Something that we don't see very often in sports took place on Tuesday at Tennessee Titans training camp. A reporter, Buck Reising, was interrupted while on air by Titans defensive tackle Jeffery Simmons. Reising tweeted something out about Simmons earlier in the day, and Simmons wasn't too happy about.

“Simmons just swung at Latham after some pushing a shoving…refs said 98 would have been tossed in game,” Buck Reising said in a post. “He’s back in for the next two and immediately starts a brawl. Sloppy. Simmons needs to lock tf in.”

Jeffery Simmons then confronted Reising while Reising was on air recording a show. A video of the incident was taken.

It can be a little bit hard to hear what Simmons was saying in the video, but there were a few lines that that can be heard:

“You do a lot of talking on social media,” Simmons said. “…I don't want to talk to you. You're a (expletive).”

Reising had more to say about the incident.

“I'm here every day so they can do that,” Reising said, according to an article from TMZ. “When we have opinions on stuff, they should be able to address it with us. There's a lack of accountability, just generally, with people who talk in front of microphones and talk on Twitter and things like that. I don't think there's anything wrong with having a discourse.”

This was not the first time Jeffery Simmons spoke his mind about the media

Jeffery Simmons has voiced his displeasure with media members before, but he took to X (formerly known as Twitter) the last time.

“I just be seeing a lot of tweets and hit that bookmark!” Simmons said in a post on July 11th. “How do some of you guys cover us (Titans) but hate us so much.”

Jeffery Simmons issued an apology on Wednesday

Tennessee Titans defensive tackle Jeffery Simmons (98) exits the field after beating the Carolina Panthers at Nissan Stadium
© Denny Simmons / The Tennessean / USA TODAY NETWORK

Jeffery Simmons knows that he can't behave toward like that towards members of the media, and he not only had a talk with Buck Reising, but he also issued a public apology in front of all media members.

“We all know what happened yesterday,” Simmons said, according to a post from Jim Wyatt. “A lot of y'all been here since I got here so y'all know me. That's not who I am. That's not who I want to be seen as. I talked to Buck, we have an understanding of where I was coming from, I have an understanding of where he was coming from, he has a job, I have a job. At the end of the day, I take full accountability for my actions on the field, I mean, that will never happen again with me. Like I said, I always talk about that switch, when to turn it on, when to turn it off, I kind of still had it on coming off the field with the way practice went. But like I said, that's not me, it will never happen again, and to all you guys, like I said, I apologize. Not because it hit social media, but because it's not who I am. That's not my character, and from here on out, like I said, I'm ready to move forward. …I look at myself first, because being a leader, you have to point your finger to yourself first. …We're ready to move on from it.”

That incident was one that we don't see very often, but it sounds like Jeffery Simmons and Buck Reising have cleared the air, and they're ready to get to football.