Fans of Stephenie Meyer’s bestselling Twilight book series can rejoice as Lionsgate Television is reportedly developing a TV adaptation of the iconic vampire love story. While the project is in early development, it is known that Wyck Godfrey and Erik Feig are attached as executive producers, with Meyer also expected to be involved. Lionsgate plans to lead the development before shopping the rights to potential buyers, first reported by The Hollywood Reporter. The studio is yet to announce a network or platform for the show, and it is also searching for a writer to steer the project.

Twilight is a significant component of Lionsgate’s intellectual property. The five Twilight films produced by Godfrey’s Temple Hill production company grossed more than $3.4B globally and catapulted the careers of its stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner. The films recently moved from Netflix to NBCUniversal’s Peacock streaming service.

This is the latest example of a studio attempting to bring a beloved book franchise to television after Warner Bros. Discovery revealed plans to turn the seven “Harry Potter” books into a TV series, with each season focusing on one book in the story.

While there are no specific details yet on the Twilight TV series, fans are excited about the prospect of exploring the story further in the television medium. The franchise revolves around Bella Swan, a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen.


It's as if the movie series became a cult classic overnight. Although there were multiple movies, it didn't feel like enough for those who enjoyed the vampire tales. The TV adaptation is expected to expand on the original story and add new layers to the characters and plot.