The Bill Clinton Kid at The Game Awards literally stole the show at the final moments, just right after the awarding of the Game of the Year award to Elden Ring. It was a hilarious sight, so of course, Twitter folks were fast in reacting to this very unusual and absurd event.

During closing moments of The Game Awards, the Bill Clinton Kid, who somehow gotten past through security and walked with the developers of Elden Ring as they went up on stage to receive their Game of the Year award, took to the microphone and spouted some nonsense about nominating former US President Bill Clinton for the award.

“I want to nominate my reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton for this award. Thank you.”

Bill Clinton, as far as we know, has nothing to do with the gaming industry, and we're not sure if he plays video games, but we're willing to bet he doesn't. That's why everyone knew something was off when the kid mentioned the former US President.

It was an offbeat moment that everyone on stage took gracefully, but it was a moment that could have gotten worse had a more dangerous person gotten up the stage with them with security not noticing.

Either way, the Bill Clinton Kid drew a lot of reactions on the internet, especially on Twitter, which even led to Bill Clinton trending alongside #TheGameAwards. Moments after TGA Presenter and Founder Geoff Keighley's tweet confirming the prankster's arrest, Twitter blew up with reactions from people, like the ones below:

And of course, there are others who took to memes to make light of the situation.

And of course, since Bill Clinton Kid took the shine away from From Software, the Elden Rings were bound to come as well.

The prank totally took everyone by surprise and has shifted conversations around The Game Awards towards him, taking away the spotlight from the hard-working developers who have had their moment stolen from them. So, it's just right for authorities to take quick action against the kid, who turned out to be an anti-semite, according to reports.

To make sure that those who did all the hard work would still get their time in the spotlight, we should heed the words of this wise Twitter user below who reminded us to not let the prankster's actions take our attention away from those who really deserve the attention.

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