UFC President Dana White was quick to react to the shocking news of former U.S. President Donald Trump being shot by a man in Pennsylvania on Saturday night. White, a close friend and supporter of Trump, expressed his immediate shock and concern, taking to social media to defend and support the former president.

White was en route to Italy on a private jet when he received the news. Despite being on vacation and preparing for an appearance at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, he quickly took to Instagram to address the situation.

His post, made during the prelims of UFC Denver, where Rose Namajunas was fighting Tracy Cortez in a main event, captured his raw emotions and support for Trump.


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“I’m on a plane right now flying to Italy, and my phone has been blowing up with text messages from people informing me [Trump] was shot,” White wrote. “I am absolutely SICK to my stomach and in complete shock. I still don’t know how bad it is or if he’s ok.”

White's post continued with a powerful message of support for Trump. He shared an image sent to him by UFC matchmaker Mick Maynard, which he felt embodied Trump's character.

“This image perfectly reflects EXACTLY the man I know Donald Trump to be. He is the toughest, most resilient, AMERICAN BAD ASS on this planet.

“I hope the weak coward that shot him gets what he deserves, and I can’t WAIT to stand up on stage with him on Thursday and introduce him at the Republican National Convention and tell the WORLD exactly the character of the friend and man I KNOW!!”

The incident and Donald Trump's condition

The incident occurred at a rally in Pennsylvania, where a man shot Trump. The Secret Service subsequently killed the shooter. Initial reports were unclear about the severity of Trump's injuries, leading to widespread concern among his supporters and friends, including White.

Despite the chaos, Trump managed to address his fans and followers. He confirmed that the bullet had “pierced the upper part” of his right ear but reassured everyone that he was safe thanks to the quick response of law enforcement. Trump also expressed condolences for others impacted by the incident, showing his concern for everyone involved.

White's Instagram post highlighted his anticipation of introducing Trump at the upcoming Republican National Convention. Despite the shooting, White's message underscored his unwavering support and readiness to stand by Trump.

What's next for Dana White

There were initial rumors about Trump attending the UFC event in Denver with White, but those turned out to be untrue. Given the circumstances, Trump prioritized his recovery and security, but the connection between White and Trump remained a point of focus for many fans and followers.

White's relationship with Trump is well-documented. The UFC president has consistently supported Trump, both publicly and privately. His immediate reaction to the shooting, filled with emotion and fervent defense of Trump's character, is a testament to their strong bond.

White's public defense of Trump following the shooting drew mixed reactions. Supporters of Trump and White praised the UFC president for his loyalty and heartfelt message. Critics, however, questioned the appropriateness of such a public display during a sensitive time.

Dana White's reaction to the shooting of Donald Trump showcased his unwavering loyalty and deep personal connection to the former president. As Trump recovers and the details of the incident continue to unfold, White's support serves as a reminder of the strong alliances and friendships that transcend even the most shocking events.

The upcoming Republican National Convention will likely see White and Trump standing together, embodying resilience and solidarity in the face of adversity.