Gilbert Arenas thinks Stephen Curry is a Top 10 player of all time, but as he heaped praise on the Golden State Warriors star, he also dropped the ultimate disrespect on Larry Bird and the players in the early era of the NBA.

Speaking on Vlad TV, Arenas shared his belief that Curry has done enough to be in the Top 10 of all time … at least on his list. As for the argument on who he would take off among the other NBA greats largely considered to be in the Top 10, Arenas went on to explain that it's easier for him to do so since he doesn't put any player prior to the '90s on his list.

He described the playing style of the likes of Larry Bird and Bill Russell as “dinosaurish” before making a point on how the skill level today is way better than it was in the early days of NBA basketball.

“We’re trying to compare his [Curry] style to a style that is dinosaurish, you know what I mean?” Arenas explained, per AHN Fire Digital. “So when someone is like, ‘Well, how are you going to leave out like Larry Bird?’ Easy, easy, easy, like I can do that easy.”

Perhaps Gilbert Arenas has a point about the gap in skill level in the old and modern NBA, but there's just so much wrong in his statement.

There is no doubt Stephen Curry is among the NBA's greatest, but to say that the likes of Larry Bird and Bill Russell wouldn't even make his list is just blasphemy. And to his “cutoff,” does that mean Kareem Abdul-Jabbar also doesn't make it to his list?

It's impossible to compare players of different eras, but it is also wrong to rule them out completely just because they play at a time when the NBA isn't at that of a high level.