Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr did not hold back answering a tweet from “The Daily Show,” as host Trevor Noah ripped into Jared Kushner's criticism of the NBA.

NBA players went on strike Wednesday in support of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black man who was shot seven times in the back by Kenosha police in Wisconsin.

Kushner, a senior advisor to his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, argued NBA players are in a unique position to take a night off work due to their large salaries. Noah blew this argument to smithereens with his commentary:

“I like how Jared just tried to insinuate that NBA players shouldn't complain because they're well-paid,” said Noah. “First of all, Jared, they're rich because they're the best at what they do, okay? Why are you rich? What are you the best at? Other than looking like a Victorian ghost.

“And also, rich people shouldn't complain? Your boss-father is someone that does nothing but complain. Get the f*** outta here, man.”

The Warriors coach would add a bit of his panache to this, pointing to what the NBA is doing to enact change in society while the Trump regime stands idly by while pushing a reelection campaign:

“NBA players, coaches, executives, and owners are working so hard to meet racism head on and find ways to improve our country,” Kerr tweeted. “Jared, your father in law spreads hatred and division daily. Spare us your confused lecture and try to teach the president not to be racist.”

Steve Kerr has always been among the strongest NBA voices opposing the Trump regime, and his Twitter timeline has a garden of criticism for No. 45. In turn, Trump has also taken every opportunity to take shots at the NBA and its players, despite admitting he's not all that informed on matters.

The rhetoric of low ratings and dipping support due to the Black Lives Matter movement has been arduous from Trump and his minions, but the Warriors coach has fought fire with fire all along, even as he watches from outside of the NBA bubble.