With Clash at the Castle less than 24 hours away, Cody Rhodes was afforded one final chance to address the WWE Universe and his foe for the show, AJ Styles, in front of an absolutely fired-up Scottish crowd.

Unfortunately, Styles wasn't too interested in hearing the “American Nightmare” run through the same old babyface beats, as, with his career being called into question more and more with each passing loss, the “Phenomenal One” wanted to remind Rhodes that the biggest difference between them didn't have to do with their last names, lineage, or what extents they would go to win a match. No, after building a career on persistence, Styles simply doesn't believe a quitter like Cody can go the distance when the going gets tough.

“You wanna talk man to man? Let me remind you and these stupid idiots that won't shut up, that we are nothing alike. Let me remind you and everyone else, that it took me 17 years to make it to the WWE,” AJ Styles declared. “They welcomed you with open arms! They couldn't wait to make Cody Rhodes a star. But when it got tough, what did you do, Cody? You quit the WWE. I've got news for ya, he also quit New Japan Pro Wrestling. It doesn't stop there, you quit Ring of Honor. This man right here helped to start a company and you quit it too. Listen Cody, you can't handle the pressure. What's that old saying, when the going gets tough, Cody Rhodes gets going.”

Whoa, referencing one of Tony Khan's companies but not the other? Goodness, it's almost like WWE considered AEW real competition and refuses to acknowledge them as a result, even though one of the brand's founders is now their top challenger. Either way, it's clear Rhodes wasn't going to take that lying down, as his rationale was far different than the outside perspective.

AJ Styles vows to gift Cody Rhodes with a loss at Clash at the Castle.

As the crowd chanted his name, Cody Rhodes fired back at the “Phenomenal One,” telling him that he didn't quit but instead kept betting on himself in order to achieve his ultimate goal.

“You are right AJ, I have made some big decisions in my career. I walked away from WWE, I walked away from New Japan, I walked away from Ring of Honor, and my buddies and I started somewhere else and I walked away there too. The truth is, I have never been afraid to walk away from somewhere else in the pursuit of something better. I did not quit. I did not quit, instead I bet on myself that I was something more. I gambled on myself and AJ, I was right,” Cody Rhodes declared.

“If I had quit, I wouldn't be standing here, holding the north star of the WWE; the most important title in the entire game. I wouldn't be standing here the WWE Champion! You're somebody I've idolized my entire career, you did things right, you did things honorable; if anybody quit, you quit on yourself! Because what did it take to get a WWE Championship rematch? You had to pretend to be Mark Henry, huh? If anything, the ‘Phenomenal One' has become a resentful coward. It's a bitter pill to swallow but I have no problem shoving that down your throat and making you say the words ‘I quit!'”

If the segment ended there, the AEW Universe would have celebrated Rhodes to an incredible degree and would have given the decibel meter a real run for its money as the show went off the air. Fortunately or not, depending on your preference, Styles still had more to say and left things on a very interesting note heading into the PLE.

“You see, you see how natural it is for you to say these words,'I quit;' it's natural for you. I can't quit being ‘Phenomenal.' D**n Cody, don't you know? My family would rather have me at home. They'd like for me to give all of this up. They're tired of me putting my body on the line, night after night after night but I tell you, these people in Glasgow, the whole WWE Universe the same thing I tell them: I am done when I say I'm done,” AJ Styles announced.

“I'm not saying it's going to be easy, Cody, it's not; I saw you against Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell with a torn pec; you didn't quit, I realize that. But you're not going to be in the ring with Seth Rollins, you're going to be in the ring with the ‘Phenomenal' AJ Styles, and I am going to do whatever it takes to get that WWE Championship. If that means beating you to a bloody pulp and tearing you to pieces, whatever I have to do to beat you so badly that saying ‘I Quit' will be like giving a gift to you, that's exactly what I'm going to do.”

Can Styles truly make Rhodes say “I Quit” at Clash at the Castle? Or will Rhodes keep his title reign going strong, even if he “has to pull a Homelander” in order to put his foe out of his misery? In a few short hours, fans will have their answer.