While the goal of every professional wrestling match is technically to secure a win over one's opponent, oftentimes, there are ulterior motives that can impact the way a match is wrestled, even at a Premium Live Event like Fastlane.

Sometimes, a performer wants to simply beat up their foe in the lead-up to an even bigger match in the future, a tactic leaders of factions often task their underlings with. Other times, wrestlers want to win a certain way, with Bryan Danielson actually being criticized for defeating Zack Sabre Jr. with a strike in a match that was supposed to decide who was the best technical wrestler in the world.

At Fastlane, John Cena's tag team match with LA Knight against The Bloodline was obviously about securing a win, sure, as Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, and Paul Heyman had been causing the babyfaces issues for weeks, but in doing so, it's clear the 16-time champion really wanted to get his tag team partner over in a huge way and dedicated the match to accomplishing that feat.

Taking the brunt of the punishment for the majority of the match, LA Knight had to watch on as Cena took serious punishment from both of their foes, leading to his eventual tag in serving as a massive momentum shifter. The duo ultimately worked together to finish off the bout, with the duo hitting a combination Five Knuckle Shuffle BFT for the 1-2-3.

Was this outcome surprising? No, not really, but the decision to have Knigth run wild after an extended period on the sidelines, demolishing both members of The Bloodline while looking like a man among boys, made him look like an absolute star, which, while standing next to Cena, is a pretty incredible accomplishment.