After weeks of anticipation, Logan Paul and The Miz finally had their face-to-face encounter on WWE‘s RAW, and the results were downright… fruity.

That's right, after Paul made it abundantly clear that he wasn't going to tag with Miz moving forward in the pursuit of the Undisputed Tag Team Championships after the “Awesome One” double-crossed him at WrestleMania, and his counterpart similarly refused a match for SummerSlam where the duo would face off against each other one-on-one, Jake's brother delivered an impassioned speech on why he wasn't going to be held down.

… and when that didn't work, Paul made a joke about Miz having tiny blueberries, and suddenly the star of Miz and Mrs. went ballistic, ripping off his suit to reveal a t-shirt advertising his, um, girth, before attacking Logan first on his own and then with Tommaso Ciampa by his side.

*phew* you have to give it to the WWE, the show has a very specific sense of humor, and they will ride a joke into the ground no matter how stale it may get to the fans in arenas and watching from home.

So there you have it, The Miz and Logan Paul have their match, they will both be present for a match at SummerSlam, and unless things change drastically at the go-home episode of RAW next week, it's pretty safe to say there will be no love lost between the two former tag team partners, as their feud has gone from brooding to downright personal in more ways than one.