On Wednesday night, Raj Giri, the founder of Wrestling Inc. and Fight Line, took to Twitter to share some rumors he's been hearing from his sources: Sasha Banks, the five-time RAW Woman's Champion, one-time Smackdown Champion, and three-time Tag Team Champion has been released by WWE.
Though the rumors haven't been confirmed–as even Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful.com, who worked for Giri in the past, pointed out in his quote tweet–Wrestling Inc. is generally understood to have good sources and obviously wouldn't put out such a massive bombshell on one of the biggest stories in wrestling today if he wasn't at least very confident that it was true.
Wow, who saw that coming when Banks and Naomi were celebrating gold at WrestleMania 38?
Now, as you probably already know, the last few weeks haven't exactly been smooth sailing for Banks and Naomi; the duo walked out of a show after a heated backstage argument over how their team was being booked and with a bunch of free time on their hands, Banks specifically has been living it up, including a now-notorious video of “The Boss” partying on stage with Steve Aoki.
If Giri's reporting proves true, this could be a massive deal that quite literally shakes up the wrestling landscape for quite some time. Banks, though linked to Holywood projects like The Mandalorian, remains one of the biggest-drawing women in the sport, and if she were to leave for AEW or Imp… okay, just to AEW, it could quite literally overhaul a division that just doesn't seem to capture as much goodwill as other segments on Tony Khan's weekly show.
In four months from now, could we see Mercedes Varando, or whatever she chooses to go by, on an AEW stage? I guess we will have to collectively see.