CDawgVA recently clarified that the $500,000 Twitch Auction donation to play with Pokimane is fake. The Queen of Twitch was buzzing on social media once again when fans found out about random bidders donating half a million dollars just to play with her. Connor Marc Colquhoun, better known as CDawgVA, organized the charitable event. Each year, the streamer makes a special effort to raise funds for the Immune Deficiency Foundation.

Unfortunately, due to the malicious actions of fans, Colquhoun is disgusted and expresses his thoughts regarding making fake donations.

CDawgVA Cringes at Fans Making Fake Donations to Play with Pokimane

CDawgVA recently uploaded a video on YouTube addressing the fake donations made to play with Pokimane.

Here's what Connor had to say:

Can we mention that it's cringe? It's super cringe to fake money for charity. I think that there's nothing sadder you can fake in life than donating money to charity. Even if that's haha funny “Me and my 15-year old friends are going to love this,” I think it's so sad that this is what they feel like they should do.

The Queen of Twitch has a notorious fan base, often called the Poki Simps. While it's thanks to her fans that she became a huge success in the industry, it's also because of them that she is often harassed in many ways.

Pokimane is offering a full day of gaming with the highest bidder in CDawgVA's Twitch charity auction. While this is especially appealing to Poki fans, neither Connor nor Imane anticipated a significant donation.

At first, the auction appeared wholesome, with a user named DKracer starting the bid at $1. However, as fans discovered the opportunity for a private gaming session, the bids quickly escalated to thousands of dollars. Eventually, fake donations surfaced online and reached $500,000. Everything seemed legitimate at first, especially considering how people need to use a real credit card to legally bid in the auction. But then, CDawgVA revealed that the donation was fake and explained how fans were able to do such a thing.

CDawgVA Explains How Fans Faked the Donations

After all the buzz on social media, Connor had to address the elephant in the room. He clarified in his video that donation is fake. The content creator also revealed that the real donation at the time of his upload stood at $30,000. Thankfully, Tiltify immediately notified him about the fake donations and said that they could sort things out before the end of the auction.

Based on the official website, the highest bid stands at $30,200 as of the time of this publishing. That also means that Tiltify successfully deleted the fake donations. But the question now is, how exactly did these people legally bid up to half a million dollars?

CDawgVA explained:

The reason why they're kind of being slowly removed is that it takes a little while on Tiltify's end to fully remove them and ban them. But part of what they're doing is using stolen credit cards, coz you have to put a credit card in. So either they use a fake or stolen credit cards and they're also using different fake e-mails, fake addressess, all those kind of stuff. Because it actually requires you to put your credit card in for verification. So they have to put a real credit card in. It's kind of lame.

Conor also added that Tiltify is doing its best to add additional security measures. This is to prevent fake bidders entering the auction. The content creator hopes that only real bids will come to the surface come auction day.

Check out the full story about Pokimane receiving a $500,000 donation in the Twitch Auction.