After securing one of the biggest wins in wrestling history by dethroning Roman Reigns as the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Cody Rhodes was given one final chance to engage with the OG Bloodline on the RAW after WrestleMania 40, standing face-to-face with the “Final Boss” for one final in-ring discussion, at least for now.

Since then, Rhodes has bounced around the WWE Universe as the top champion on SmackDown, wrestling AJ Styles on multiple PLEs to prove he's a top talent before entering into a promotion with Solo Sikoa, but through it all, The Rock has sat over his run like a dark specter, as fans know that eventually, a battle with the “Final Boss” has to be on the “American Nightmare's” resume before this current run comes to an end.

Speaking with Chris Van Vliet about his program with The Rock and where their relationship stands today, the “American Nightmare” let it be known that he is very much still open to a match with the “Great One,” as he wants to prove that he's worthy of holding the WWE Championship even against the greatest challengers imaginable.

“Offer still stands. And again, if he never comes back, he's done it all. He really has. As much as I insulted him previously, it was an honour to be part of his last outing. But what I learned physically in the ring with him, it shouldn't be his last outing. There's more. There's not just gas left in the tank, there might be multiple tanks. There's more and I would like the WWE Universe or pro wrestling fans. I'd like them to see that,” Cody Rhodes explained via Inside the Ropes.

“I think there's a world where [he's the] WWE Director the Board, great. But I think there's a world where WWE really benefits, and this young audience being able to connect with him, they don't know him as The People's Champ they know him as The Final Boss. That offer stands whenever.”

Would it be nice to see Rhodes throw down with The Rock in the not-too-distant future? 100 percent; while most fans would probably consider Rhodes versus John Cena as their current dream match, be that as “The Champ's” retirement bout or at WrestleMania 40, The Rock has to be 1b due to the ridiculous lengths he went through to get his heel character over during the spring. Get the feud right, and who knows, maybe this next match will be even more entertaining than their first go-around earlier this year.

Cody Rhodes still doesn't see a heel turn in his future

Elsewhere in his interview with Chris Van Vleet on Insight, Cody Rhodes was asked about his current status as WWE's top babyface and if he would consider jumping back to the heel side of the alignment chart at some point in the future.

Now, granted, Rhodes has been asked this question about a million times, and his answer this time was no different, but he did provide some further information that is very interesting indeed.

“You can do whatever. WWE is such a hot ticket now, it moves on. It's great to have a quarterback, great to have franchise players or top stars, whatever it might be, but it's going to move on with or without you there, someone will fill that spot,” Cody Rhodes told Chris Van Vliet via WrestleZone.

“Social media for pro wrestling is very important and you'll hear people try to say it's not important, they're just trolls. I think you need to know what a troll really is. This is a real person who probably has a pretty good high-paying job. This is how they release, this is their event, whatever. [That] is my weird psychology or theory on trolls. There's a whole section, a huge section of WWE audience that's not actively on social. They have it, they do stuff on it, but that is not their bread and butter. They're not dictated to by it. Whereas some of the other independent and smaller promotions are dictated to by social media so we have to always look at it.

“‘We want Cody' is a prime example. Is this social media or is this bigger? It only became bigger when we showed up in that arena on Monday and they started chanting it in real time. That's where you know the difference between a fad, between this thing and something that okay, this is a wave that's far, far bigger. [A heel turn] could happen for sure. I just don't see it happening.”

Should Rhodes turn heel? Yeah, at this point, that decision has become WWE's forbidden fruit. Still, Rhodes has a pretty strong case for remaining a babyface, and considering his schtick is currently working out very well; it's hard to see anyone pulling that trigger any time soon.