Colorado football star Travis Hunter recently got a lot of attention and praise for getting together with Colorado State football player Henry Blackburn and making amends after the hit that led Hunter injured and out for multiple weeks. Travis Hunter detailed why he decided to get together with Henry Blackburn on 12 Talks.

“This week Henry Blackburn and I decided to get together, show some love to each other,” Travis Hunter said on 12 Talks. “Coming together, letting everybody know it's all positivity around the world, man. You just gotta be willing to forgive and forget. Just accept that it happened already. I mean, it's just us knowing that we're young men. Even though somebody made a mistake, we come together and then just show the people that you gotta have respect for each other. Show the people the positive side of me. I don't like to be negative, I'm not negative, it's hard to get me angry. Me and him coming together just showed a different side of the world that like, there's actually nice people out in the world and it's always going to be some positivity around my name.”

Blackburn received a lot of backlash for his hit on Hunter that resulted in the injury. Colorado went on to beat Colorado State in overtime that night. Since then, Colorado has lost to Oregon and USC. Despite that, Hunter is staying positive in his recovery, and now it seems like he has a good relationship with Blackburn after the incident that caused a lot of uproar.