Wake Tech and Elizabeth City State University have recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement to form a partnership in the field of aviation and drones, per a statement by Elizabeth City State. The collaboration aims to develop unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) programming for operating and servicing drone equipment, with a particular focus on providing hands-on experience to students.

As part of this partnership, ECSU will have its name associated with a state-of-the-art lab that offers simulation instruction and training in the new Public Safety Simulation Complex at Wake Tech East. ECSU will also share a cutting-edge drone pavilion located at the same site.

Also, the two institutions will join forces with nearby East Wake High School to establish a potential drone academy, as well as with Lenoir Community College to enhance aviation and emergency management programs.

To commemorate the partnership, Dr. Scott Ralls, the president of Wake Tech, and Dr. Karrie G. Dixon, the chancellor of Elizabeth City State University, met on the Wake Tech campus to sign a memorandum of agreement. In the spirit of the event and partnership, the document was delivered by a drone.

Wake Tech President Dr. Scott Ralls and Elizabeth City State Chancellor Karrie G. Dixon both spoke glowingly about the partnership.

“Wake Tech is thrilled to join forces with ECSU, a leader in aviation education, to provide such exciting new opportunities to our community, and especially to residents of eastern Wake County,” Ralls said in the statement, “This partnership is an innovative response to the region’s needs. Public safety training is of course vital to our communities – and to Wake Tech’s mission – and unmanned aircraft systems, or drones, are rapidly becoming a critical component in keeping our communities safe.”

Dixon added, “ECSU and Wake Tech are uniquely positioned to offer a quality UAS program focused on Public Safety. Public Safety is one of the fastest-growing areas to have adopted drone technology. This partnership provides a seamless transfer to UAS, Aviation, and Emergency Management programs at ECSU once students complete their degree at Wake Tech.”

ECSU has the only four-year UAS degree program in North Carolina, which leverages over 30 years of aviation expertise. The program covers various subjects including engineering, physics, laws and regulations, aviation management, and air traffic control.

Wake Tech provides non-degree training for FAA certification as drone pilots. They also offer a UAS Drone Tech certificate in their Geomatics/Surveying degree program.

The partnership is sure to help students of both institutions in a growing sector.