Sorry, but no. It's highly unlikely Justin Timberlake had a drug-fueled evening that led to his arrest on early Tuesday morning in New York.

A viral post has been making the rounds proclaiming that the star had traces of illegal substances in his system after he was picked up for a DWI. Since it's the internet, and everything is true on there, of course, it went viral.

However, unbeknownst to many, it came from a satirical account. Poo Crave is responsible for the post that has 24 million views and was reposed over 25K times.

Viral misleading Justin Timberlake tweet

“Justin Timberlake allegedly had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream following his DWI arrest in New York,” it reads.

The reality is that maybe one too many drinks might be what caused Timberlake to run a few stop signs and not stay in his lane.

“The charge was a single count because he refused the breath test,” the singer's lawyer, Ed Burke, told Us Weekly. “Mr. Timberlake was also charged with two other court citations, running a stop sign and not traveling in the correct traffic lane.”

The Sag Harbor Police also released a statement regarding the arrest that reads: “On June 18, 2024, at 12:37 AM, Justin R. Timberlake, age 43, of Tennessee, was observed operating a 2025 BMW southbound on Madison Street, failing to stop at a duly posted stop sign and failing to maintain his lane of travel. A traffic stop was initiated by a Police Officer from the Sag Harbor Village Police Department, and upon investigation, it was determined that Mr. Timberlake was operating his vehicle in an intoxicated condition.

“Mr. Timberlake was placed under arrest, processed, and held overnight for morning arraignment. Mr. Timberlake was arraigned at the at the Sag  Harbor Village Justice Court on June 18, 2024, at 9:30 AM where he was released on his own recognizance.”

Nowhere was it stated drugs were found near him or in his system.

Though many people believed the post was true, many X users realized its misleading nature and left their thoughts.

“I've seen the brightest minds of my generation fall for a Poo Crave tweet,” one person wrote.

“I don't even care much for Justin Timberlake but social media made it to where a spam account called Poo Crave can 100% FABRICATE that JT “had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream following his DWI arrest in New York” & thousands of people believing it,” someone else mentioned.

“Poo Crave making everyone believe Justin Timberlake is on prep inhaling poppers,” another person posted with a video clip of two ladies laughing hysterically.

So, what's the lesson here? Ultimately, don't believe everything you read — especially on X. Also, if you're getting your Justin Timberlake news from an account named Poo Crave, you may want to rethink doing so.