Healers in Genshin Impact have always stood on a weird spot in the game’s meta over the past months. They were essential in the early days of the game, have fallen in popularity after the shield meta made by Zhongli, and now have risen back to importance because of the new debuff called Corrosion. In the current version of the game, having a good healer is almost essential for clearing most of the content in the game. In this article, we have ranked each healer according to their healing capabilities in our very own Genshin Impact tier list for Healers, along with the other bonuses they provide that can boost their ranking to a higher tier. 

Genshin Impact Tier Lists Healers, Genshin Impact Healers, Genshin Impact Healer Tier Lists

SS Tier

Bennett – Our unlucky adventurer stands at the top of the list, thanks to his ability to heal, provide a massive attack boost, generate a ton of energy, and deal a decent amount of damage. It’s arguably too many things in one package, but that makes Bennett a monster of a support for so many compositions. 

S Tier

Diona – She also provides a good shield, which makes Diona a great healer for Cryo teams. Not many characters provide shields and healing at the same time, which only Diona and Noelle can in the current pool of characters. However, unlike Noelle, Diona can also generate a ton of energy, which makes her integral in permafreeze teams and other general Melt teams. At Constellation 6, Diona also provides a huge amount of Elemental Mastery for the team, which is invaluable for characters who rely on strong Elemental Reactions, like Melt or Vaporize.

Kokomi – If not for the artifact set, Ocean-Hued Clam, Kokomi shouldn’t be an S in this Genshin Impact tier list. Kokomi has amazing healing and okay energy generation, but the uptime of her skill is not remarkable. With the new artifact set, however, a well–built Kokomi can do considerable amounts of damage, which can be quite useful when your main DPS drops low. In the right team, Kokomi can even be the main DPS as long as you can feed her enough Hydro energy to sustain her Elemental Burst.

A Tier

Jean – Being Anemo is a huge boon for Jean, which makes her fit in a lot of teams as an Anemo support and a healer, all in one package. Her healing is amazing, and doesn’t cost a lot of energy thanks to the refund from her talent. Aside from shredding resistance by using the Viridescent Venerer set, she can also deal a ton of damage to certain enemies, by launching them in the air or towards walls, dealing gigantic damage as they hit the surface.

Sayu – All things considered, Sayu is pretty much a 4-star Jean: shredding res and healing allies. However, she has her own characteristics that sets her apart from Jean. Being a claymore user allows her to beat down many sorts of shields in the game, and her Elemental Skill can be used as a quick gap closer or a hasty escape from danger. Her heal also lasts longer, which is quite useful for taking many hits from a dangerous enemy. 

B Tier

Qiqi – Qiqi used to be the strongest healer in the game, back when healers were essential for clearing the hardest content. Over time, players realized that you don’t need insane healing if you can avoid taking damage altogether, whether by skill alone or by using shields. Qiqi also has her own set of problems, like having ZERO energy generation, and dealing miniscule damage against enemies. However, the new artifact set, Ocean-Hued Clam, now provides Qiqi with the damage she really lacks. If you really need a ton of healing, though, then Qiqi will still be your strongest healer in the entire game.

C Tier

Barbara – Our shining idol is Mondstadt’s most precious, but somehow not so much when it comes to healing. Her healing is good, but that’s really only it. She can be a good candidate for permafreeze teams, but there are a lot of better options like Mona and Xingqiu. She also doesn’t generate energy at all, so her Elemental Burst gets used rarely, unless the other members in her team can generate a ton of energy for her.

Noelle – As a shielder, Noelle is a good fit especially for Geo teams. But bringing Noelle as an active healer is pretty bad, because she doesn't even heal a lot. Not only she doesn’t generate any energy, but it takes so much field time for Noelle to heal her teammates. Practically speaking, Noelle is a huge DPS loss for your team if you’re using her as a healer.

And that’s it for our Genshin Impact tier list for Healers. For more guides, check out Genshin Impact guides.