Genshin Impact 2.1 released last week, bringing the long-awaited Baal, Raiden Shogun to the playable roster. Additionally, we also saw Thoma's formal announcement as a playable character. Thoma was an integral part of the 2.0 Archon Quests, and he's been speculated to join the roster for quite a while now. Several leaks have surfaced regarding his animations, abilities and ascension materials. Last week, a gameplay video leaked his animations, which you can view below:

Thoma Full Animations – Showcase from Genshin_Impact_Leaks

Genshin Impact Thoma Leaks:

The video confirms him as a polearm user, and interestingly, the end of his normal attack combo is a ranged speak attack. Additionally, the video gives us a glimpse of his elemental attack and elemental burst. It seems to trigger a pyro shield of some sort. This is alongside turning his normal attacks into pyro attacks during the shield's duration. Additionally, another leaked video shows that the pyro attack waves can be triggered while Thoma is off-field, which may increase his value in certain team compositions.

Thoma Attack Waves Can Be Triggered By Other Characters from Genshin_Impact_Leaks

Another leak also detailed Thoma's skills and constellations in Genshin Impact, which are detailed below:

“Elemental Skill: Temporary name – Loyal Dog Shield

Press: Fire elemental piercing move

Hold: Fire elemental vertical slash

Elemental Burst: Creates a pentagonal fire formation which can move with the character. Does periodical pyro damage and gives shield same value as elemental skill. Difference is this shield refreshes once per 2 second. When affected by this formation character will not be afflicted with pyro/electro element.

Talent 1: When you are pyro-shielded, every time you receive energy particle it gets enhanced by 5, max 3 stack

Talent 2: Everything besides normal attack gain additional damage depending on HP.”

However, the constellations in that leak conflict with a different leak of Thoma's constellations, which you may also view below:

Thoma Constellations from Genshin_Impact_Leaks

Thoma Ascension Materials

Additionally, a more recent leak also breaks down Thoma's required ascension materials. Similar to Yoimiya, as a fellow Inazuma Pyro character, Thoma will also be needing materials from the Pyro Hypostasis. Additionally, his unique specialty ascension material is Fluorescent Fungus, a new item that will supposedly be available in the incoming area of Tsurumi island. He will also be needing Treasure Horder Insignias. A full breakdown of the leaked Thoma ascension materials leak can be seen in the tweet below:

As with all leaks, of course, nothing is quite set in stone, and the Thoma that arrives sometime in the 2.2 banner might be altogether different. Take everything with a grain of salt.