It's been a bumpy season for the New York Giants, however, rookie quarterback Tommy DeVito is at least bringing some excitement to the team. His family is all over the place and they're taking over MetLife Stadium.

Tommy DeVito mania is officially here. His family was seen tailgating and got some TV time before kickoff, per Nicole Auerbach. Let's just say, DeVito's family is pretty much what you'd expect.

The Giants have seemingly adopted the DeVito way. After scoring a touchdown, Tommy DeVito celebrated with his teammates doing the classic Italian hand gesture. It's safe to say these guys love playing for him.

On top of that, the fan base is doing the same hand gesture across the entire stadium, according to NFL reporter Connor Hughes. So, not only is the team loving DeVito, but so are Giants fans everywhere.

“The jumbo tron is now panning the crowd. Just about everyone his doing the Italian hand motion, too — hah. That's funny. Tommy DeVito sanity taking over.”

DeVito has actually played a lot better than most expected since he stepped in as the starter. His appearance was in the middle of a game and the Giants didn't have him throw the ball much. However, he's been airing it out ever since. Heading into the Patriots game, Tommy DeVito had totaled 506 yards, six touchdowns, and three interceptions.

He has the offense playing more efficiently right now as they hope to steal a win away from New England. With that said, if DeVito continues playing like this, then perhaps he has a future with the Giants beyond this season.