Howard University, a prestigious institution known for its rich history and commitment to academic excellence, has made a bold move regarding one of its former students, Sean “Diddy” Combs. The university has decided to sever ties with the music mogul, rescinding an honorary degree bestowed upon him and disbanding a scholarship program established in his name, Yahoo reports.

The decision came in response to a disturbing 2016 video that resurfaced recently, showing Combs engaged in physical violence against his former girlfriend, R&B singer Cassie. In light of this behavior, Howard University's Board of Trustees deemed Combs unworthy of holding the institution's highest honor.

Actions Taken by Howard University

The university's Board of Trustees released a statement expressing its stance on Combs' conduct. They unanimously voted to accept the return of the honorary degree granted to Combs in 2014, effectively revoking all honors and privileges associated with it. Furthermore, the board directed administrators to sever all financial ties with Combs, including returning a $1 million contribution, ending the scholarship program, and dissolving a pledge agreement with the Sean Combs Foundation.

This decision reflects Howard University's commitment to upholding its core values and beliefs, which are fundamentally incompatible with behavior that condones or perpetuates violence against women.

Following the release of the incriminating video, Combs publicly admitted to his actions, expressing remorse and acknowledging the inexcusable nature of his behavior. He issued a video statement on social media, expressing his deep regret and taking full responsibility for his actions.

However, this incident is not the only legal challenge Combs is facing. In November 2023, Cassie filed a lawsuit accusing him of physical abuse, leading to a settlement the following day. Additionally, CNN recently obtained surveillance footage from a Los Angeles hotel, further corroborating the allegations against Diddy.

The loss of the honorary degree from Howard University comes at a tumultuous time for Diddy, as he grapples with ongoing legal troubles. In March, federal agents raided his homes in Los Angeles and Miami as part of a human trafficking investigation, although no charges have been filed in relation to that case. Furthermore, Combs faces lawsuits alleging rape and sexual assault, which his legal team has sought to dismiss.

Despite the controversy surrounding Combs and the actions taken by Howard University, Hollywood has yet to strip him of his star status. Combs, also known as “Puff” and “Diddy,” remains a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, with a legacy that spans music, fashion, and entrepreneurship.

While Howard University has taken a firm stance against Combs' behavior, Hollywood's response has been more muted. The entertainment industry often grapples with issues of accountability and morality, and Combs' case highlights the complexities of separating an individual's personal conduct from their professional achievements.


The contrasting responses from Howard University and Hollywood underscore the complexities of holding public figures accountable for their actions. While Howard University has taken decisive action to distance itself from Combs in light of his disturbing behavior, Hollywood's response has been more measured.

As Combs navigates the legal and reputational fallout from the recent revelations, the broader implications of his actions raise important questions about accountability, responsibility, and the intersection of fame and morality in the entertainment industry.