The third Landau sibling to be playable, Lynx, is coming to Honkai Star Rail. Check out Lynx's leaked skills and abilities here.

Honkai Star Rail – Leaked Lynx Skills

Lynx has been officially revealed as a playable character. Check out the official reveal for Lynx here.

The information below does not come from an official source and may not represent Lynx exactly upon her release. The text was also translated to English which may cause proper names of effects and abilities to differ from the eventual official version. Details below are subject to changes.


Lynx Landau is confirmed to be a 4-star Quantum character following the Path of Abundance.

Normal Attack – Ice Axe Climbing Technique

Deals Quantum DMG equal to ?% of Lynx's Max HP to a single target

Skill – Pickled Camping Tin

Apply (Excitement) to a single ally, which increases their max HP by ?% based on ?% of Lynx's max HP, lasts for ? turns.

If target's current is greater or equal to ?%, greatly increase their base chance of being targeted by the enemy.

Make the target restore HP equal to ?% of Lynx's Max HP +?.

(Excitement) can only take effect on the most recent target.

Ultimate: Snow Field First Aid Knowledge

Dispels all debuffs on all allies, and restores HP for all allies equal to of Lynx's max HP + ?.

Talent: Outdoor Survival Experience

While casting Skill or Ultimate, restore HP for ? turns. At the beginning of each turn, restore HP equal to ?% of Lynx's max HP + ?.

For allies with (Excitement), restore additional HP equal to ?% of Lynx's max HP.

Lynx Traces

Advanced Reconnaissance: When an ally with Excitement is hit, Lynx restores ? Energy.

Technical Exploration: At the beginning of each turn, dispels debuff on self.

Extreme Survivability: Whenever an ally is hit and their Current HP is less than or equal to ?% of their Max HP, Lynx's SPD will increase by ?, lasting for ? turns.

Lynx Eidolons

E1: Trekking with Ski Poles During Dawn

  • When healing an ally with Excitement, increase healing amount by ?%. This effect will also take effect on healing over time effects.

E2: Noontide's Portable Stove

  • Extend the healing over time effect from Talent by ? turns.

E3: Afternoon's Avalance Beacon

  • Skill Lv. +2, maximum up to Lv. 15
  • Basic ATK Lv. +1, maximum up to Lv. 10

E4: Bonfire Camping at Dusk

  • When an ally with Excitement is hit, increase their ATK based on ?% of Lynx's Max HP, lasting for ? turns.

E5: Aurora Red Tea at Evening

  • Ultimate Lv. +2, maximum up to Lv. 15
  • Talent Lv. _2, maximum up to Lv. 15

E6: Cartography at Twilight

  • The ally with Excitement will receive an increase in Max HP equal to ?% of Lynx's Max HP, and increase their Effect RES by ?%.