Most of the time when people are finished with the main storyline of a game, they would drop the ball and stop playing it entirely. It does make sense to most RPG games but in the case of Pokemon, there are still a lot of new things that you can accomplish, especially now that you have the abilities to do what seemed to be impossible previously. The ninth generation of Pokemon games, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, has a few Post-Game Secrets that you can accomplish after beating the Base Game, The Teal Mask DLC, and The Indigo Disk DLC's storylines.

Post-Game Secrets in The Indigo Disk to Accomplish

There are a total of three things that you can accomplish post-game of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Part 2: The Indigo Disk. Of course, this means that you should have already accomplished all three parts of the storyline which is composed of the Base Game, The Teal Mask DLC, and The Indigo Disk DLC where you go up against Terapagos and capture it successfully. Take note, these can't be unlocked unless you have successfully done all of these things so make sure to check off all on the list before proceeding.

Post-Game Secret 1: Permanent Flight Ability for Miraidon and Koraidon and Freebies

The first post-game secret that you should know and accomplish is that you need to get back permanently the ability to fly. Unlock this ability by going back to the Blueberry Academy and speaking again with Amarys. After you have successfully regained the ability to fly, head on out to the very top of the Tera Dome located at the Terarium. Here you will get the following items:

  • Ability Patch x1
  • Gold Bottle Cap x1
  • Stellar Tera Shard x50

Post-Game Secret 2: Treasure Room in Depths of Area Zero after The Indigo Disk

After beating the main storyline, you can actually come back to the Underground part of Area Zero where you will find a lot of new unlocked paths that you can explore. These new areas have a lot of valuable in-game items that you can use for competitive battles. There are several areas that you need to come to to find the Treasure Rooms within the Underground of Area Zero:

Downward Spiral Path

Within the cave, you will see a spiral path that goes down, and what you want to do is go towards the topmost part of that specific area in the cave. You will notice that there is a Max Potion (x1) that is placed at the top of a stone. You will then need to jump and glide forward and you will see a hidden cave that you can enter. Upon entering, you will notice that it is a dead-end but given that you have the ability to fly, head on over to the top and you will see an entrance that leads to where a Stella Tera Type Garchomp is located.

Before heading into battle with this Stella Tera Type Garchomp, make sure that you are well-equipped with a Pokemon that can handle this kind of battle. It will be at Level 80 and unfortunately, you can't catch this particular Pokemon but it does act as a key to unlocking a great Treasure Room within the Underground of Area Zero. There will be a prompt that says “You heard a sound from somewhere… Could it have been a crystal disappearing?” which means that you have opened another secret room within the depths of Area Zero.

You will then need to come back to the downward spiral path to get to the unlocked Treasure Room.

Before the Spiral Path

You will need to come back to the area right before the downward spiral path to access the unlocked room. You will see that there is a small ramp that is now accessible to you. Climb up through the wall where the ramp is pointed towards and there you will see the Treasure Room with a bunch of items that you can now access. The items that can be picked up here are as follows:

  • TM220: Meteor Beam
  • Poison Tera Shard x26
  • Fighting Tera Shard x 26
  • Ice Tera Shard x28
  • Dragon Tera Shard x26
  • Steel Tera Shard x31
  • Normal Tera Shard x25
  • Fire Tera Shard x22
  • Water Tera Shard x18
  • Electric Tera Shard x29
  • Grass Tera Shard x17
  • Dragon Tera Shard x19
  • Ghost Tera Shard x17
  • Rock Tera Shard x17
  • Psychic Tera Shard x17
  • Flying Tera Shard x19

Make sure that you accomplish this at the Post-Game Secret of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Part 2: The Indigo Disk. By getting all these Tera Shards, you now have the chance to change the current Tera type of a specific Pokemon to your liking. This gives your team and Pokemon a better advantage during battles, especially in scenarios like competitive Pokemon battles online, official tournaments, and even against your family and friends.

Post-Game Secret 3: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Epilogue Cut Scene

The last post-game secret within the game requires two things: first, you will need to have Terapagos as part of your party Pokemon. Second, you'll need to go to Crystal Pool located in Kitakami for a very special post-game epilogue cut scene that you will certainly enjoy. Upon reaching Oni Mountain Summit, head on to the patch of land within Crystal Pool and you will see Terapagos coming out of its Poke Ball and will introduce to you a very familiar character that seems to come from a different time and space – Professor Sada for Pokemon Scarlet players and Professor Turo for Pokemon Violet players.

Spoiler Warning: Here are the quick overview details of the cut scene for those who would want to know what it is ahead of time.

You will be meeting Professor Sada for Pokemon Scarlet players and Professor Turo for Pokemon Violet players with the help of Terapagos. Both of you will be acquainted and will discuss the theory of space-time and how the Professor came from the past or the future. You will ask the Professor three (3) of the following questions: “Why are you here?”, “What are you studying?”, and “What about your family?”. She will then ask her questions saying “What is this place?”, ask about the “Winged King” referring to either Koraidon or Miraidon, and lastly, she will ask about the book that you are carrying entitled “The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero”. Briar will be brought up and she will ask to exchange books (Scarlet Book or Violet Book) with you since the time has come to part ways and eventually be taken back to where she originally came from.

This gives Pokemon Trainers the answers to where Paradox Pokemon come from through the epilogue cut scene and how they came to be in Area Zero. After you have gone through with the whole cut scene, you will then be taken back to the game's start-up menu where you will see a different book on the table. Once you reenter the game, you will be situated in your room back at the academy and you can now freely explore and go anywhere you want.

Those are all the post-game secrets within the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Part 2: The Indigo Disk! Make sure that you do each one of them and turn your team into a true powerhouse by utilizing all the great in-game items that you have gathered.

For more on the latest news, updates, and events on anything and everything Pokemon like this Indigo Disk Post-Game Secrets in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC, make sure to check in from time to time in ClutchPoints Gaming!

Best of luck, Trainers! Congratulations on successfully beating the game.