Jackbox Party Pack 8 is finally arriving this week, set to make online party nights that much more fun. Fans have long been anticipating the eighth entry in the Jackbox franchise, which shot to even more fame as parties with friends and colleagues shifted to the digital realm. The latest party bundle comes with five new games, delivering that same competitive and bizarre spirit whether players are all in the same room or on Zoom.

Jackbox Party Pack 8 Release Date: October 14, 2021

Jackbox Party Pack 8‘s release date is on October 14, 2021, simultaneously coming out on PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. Releases on other major digital platforms are also planned for a later date.

Developer Jackbox Games also gave a sneak peek into the five new games: Drawful Animate, Wheel of Enormous Proportions, Job Job, Weapons Drawn, and Poll Mine.

Drawful Animate is a sequel to the classic Drawful with animated gifs now on the table, while the Wheel of Enormous Proportions puts an exciting spin to a game of luck and trivia. Turning job hunting into a crazy affair, Job Job lets players land jobs using other people's answers to odd interview questions.

In Poll Mine, Jackbox‘s first head-to-head team game, players take a guess at their teammates' poll choices, inching closer to escaping the minefield. And for Weapons Drawn, all forms of trust are set to be broken as each person cracks murder mysteries while hiding his or her own crimes.

Whether trying out these new games or sticking to the classics, fans new and old are holding their breath as Jackbox Party Pack 8‘s release is just around the corner. Players will still be limited to 8 to 10 depending on the game, but thousands of audience members can tune in as they please—and even influence the results. All that's needed is a phone or computer to connect remotely and Jackbox fun awaits.