‘Friends' star Jennifer Aniston says she's tired of “cancel culture” and its influence in the industry.

“I might have just become a victim of cancel culture for saying this. I just don't get what it means… Is there no way to make up for mistakes? I'm not sure. I don't put everyone in the same group as Harvey Weinstein.”

Transitioning her stance, the actress clarifies that not everyone who makes a mistake should be treated as severely as Weinstein. Aniston emphasizes the importance of evaluating people's mistakes individually rather than as a collective. This statement is particularly intriguing given the backdrop of a recent controversy involving Jennifer Aniston and Jamie Foxx.

If recalled, Jennifer Aniston faced criticism for liking a post on Instagram by Jamie Foxx that some say was antisemitic. Foxx wrote about Jesus being killed and added tags like #fakefriends #fakelove. The actor later apologized and clarified his statement. But Aniston never came to his defense.

Now, even with her controversial remarks, Aniston's career remains stable. Presently, she is gearing up to star in the third season of a show named “The Morning Show” on Apple TV. It follows the aftermath of a man being taken off a news show due to his misconduct and explores #MeToo movement in Hollywood. Similar to what Harvey Weinstein was involved in.

In light of her cancel culture remarks, Jennifer Aniston shares how things were between men and women at a company she started a long time ago with her then-husband Brad Pitt and others. “It was a male-dominated sort of environment…”

After leaving the production company, she founded her own banner, Echo Films. Now, she's an executive producer for “The Morning Show” through Echo Films.