Actor Jon Hamm is looking to get into some MCU action.

The star known for Don Draper in Mad Men and many other iconic characters would love to be a part of Marvel. And he’s not being shy about it.

Jon Hamm opens up about wanting to be a part of the MCU

In an interview with THR, Hamm discussed passing on roles. Some have been superhero parts, but not the major ones like Robert Downy Jr. landed. However, his name has been discussed. Still, he’s waiting for that epic character part he’s pursuing.

When asked about passing on superhero characters, he said, “Yeah. And it’s not like they were saying, ‘We want you to be Iron Man.’ But there were a lot of conversations, and I’m still in those. I talk to the guys that run Marvel and DC. And I’m a comic book nerd. So, we’ll see. Even that part of the industry is changing.”

One big role that he passed on was Green Lantern — but he had his reasons.

“That was one I definitely didn’t want to do,” the actor continued. “But, I’ve pitched myself for a couple parts of the Marvel universe, I don’t want to say what exactly, but it was a part of a comic book that I really liked. I was like, ‘Are you going to do this story?’ And they were like, ‘Yeah, we’re actually thinking of that.’ I go, ‘Good. I should be the guy.’ So maybe it’ll work out. But I look at a guy like Jeff Goldblum’s career — and I know Jeff a bit, we used to have the same therapist — and I’m just like, ‘God, how awesome to be able to do all the things he’s done.’ He had his leading man phase, and he does Marvel and he’ll just roll through and steal the scene, and then he’s doing commercials and he’s funny as shit. I see him out and he’s happy. So, consciously or not, I’m modeling my life to be that: varied and happy and fulfilled.”

Adding more context about his roles, he mentioned what he looks for.

“Will this be fun? Will it be something I’d want to watch?” Hamm adds. “That’s Keeping Up With the Joneses or Tag. These are not movies that are going to move the needle as some great cinematic achievement, but I got to work with some of the funniest people on the planet, and I had a blast. And that’s the decision-making process. Obviously, I was newly single and sober and not sober, so all of these things were happening in my life as well, and work was very much a guiding light for me.”

Will Jon Hamm ever make it into an MCU film? Well, now that it’s publically known that he’s actively pursuing a part in one, it can only help his chances. Going from Mad Men to Marvel could be a great fit for him and audiences.