Care to be fed with some more Lonzo Ball news, particularly one that concerns what shoes his virtual self is sporting in NBA 2k18?

In a photo posted on Twitter by Steve Noah of OperationsSports, Ball's character isn't sporting a Big Baller Brand pair. Instead, his feet are covered with Nike branded footwear.

Up until this point, the public still has no idea which sports apparel would be endorsed by Ball, but if this was any indication, then it could be assumed that the odds are on Nike's favor. That being said, one could only speculate as much, as it's not really Ball's prerogative to demand NBA 2k18's makers what shoes his video game character should be wearing.

It should also be noted that the game has yet to be released and all that's available right now are bits and pieces of the whole. At the end of the day, it's possible Ball's video likeness would be playing on a pair ZO2's.

NBA 2k18 is set to be released September 19th.