Riot Games follows through with its skin teaser last month with a dazzling event trailer. The Battle Queens is the game's latest skin set and they'll be launching with an in-game event. The official League of Legends YouTube channel premiered two videos to herald the launch of the new skin line. Lucky players get new skins for some of the most effective champions in the game.

Their majesty

Currently, there are five champions that have been granted a Battle Queen skin. The lineup features three Mid mages and two Supports. Hopefully, we'll see more queens joining the royal lineup in future releases. If you main any of these champions or intend to go hard at learning Rell then you're in luck.

Battle Queen Champions

  • Qiyana
  • Diana
  • Katarina
  • Janna
  • Rell

The skin design feature's Riot's familiar champion skin design. The gold accents are reminiscent of some Lunar Revel skins but the Battle Queens line shines as its own. The skins may look fabulous but you'll find yourself in danger if you stare for too long.

A royal procession

A Battle Queens-themed event is set to launch on League of Legends to celebrate the launch of the new champion, Rell, and the new skin line. Riot announced that the Nexus Blitz game mode will return as part of the event and that as usual there will be many goods up for grabs. Champion borders, ward skins, loots, goodies, and many more will be within players' reach once the event formally rolls out. The event will most likely feature event-specific currency that can be used to trade for goods in the crafting menu.

We'll know more about the details of the event when it officially launches on the League of Legends platform. Now, all we need is RP to get our hands on these amazing skins.