Modern Warfare 2 currently has 8 confirmed maps, with more to come once the game fully releases. It would seem, however, that we might be getting some of the most well-loved maps from the original game from 2009. Keep reading to learn more about the leaks regarding Modern Warfare 2's paid map DLC.

Back on September 1, 2022, Call of Duty player and leaker @TheGhostOfHope leaked on their Twitter account that Infinity Ward is planning to release most, if not all, of the Modern Warfare 2 maps from 2009. This includes classics such as Rust and Terminal, as well as Quarry and Highrise. It's interesting to note that there might be some truth to this leak. After all, it was already teased that some maps might make a return.

A month later, Ghost proceeds to add on to his leak from September. In the tweet, he mentioned that the paid map DLC would not just contain maps from the 2009 release. He stated that it would be a “greatest hits map pack”, and would contain other classic maps from other Call of Duty games. Ghost mentions maps coming from Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer's catalog. He also mentions that the DLC is a paid DLC coming out for MWII Year 2. That is, it comes out in 2023.

Other than this map DLC, Ghost also hinted the map pack will come bundled with a Modern Warfare 2 Campaign DLC. This bundle will release in late 2023, according to them. Ghost does not give any more details as to what this DLC contains.

While leaks should normally be taken with a grain of salt, it appears this leak has some truth to it. Bloomberg writer and reporter Jason Schreier tweeted that “they'll be selling new stuff for MW2” next year, and says it is “an expansion or something like that”. He continues to say that  “it'll have campaign stuff too”. This corroborates Ghost's leak and lends it some credibility. Of course, we will just have to wait and see until the official announcement.

Additionally, Activision's latest financial release seems to hint at the same thing. They stated that they have “plans for next year including the most robust Call of Duty live operations to date, the next full premium release in the blockbuster annual series, and even more engaging free-to-play experiences across platforms.” Various websites and Twitter accounts have taken this to mean that there will be a Call of Duty release next year. This is contrary to previous rumors that there won't be a Call of Duty game next year. However, Schreier stands firm in his report from back then, and in the details for next year's release.

He reiterates that the next Call of Duty game (made by Treyarch) will come out in 2024. He also said that next year's premium release is an expansion. The fact that next year's release has lots of content may be why they called it “full release”, says him. Of course, as we mentioned above, this must all be taken with a grain of salt. Until Activision actually gives an official statement on what comes out next year, we won't know for sure. All we can do is wait.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 came out last October 28, 2022. If you want to learn more about the changes that will come in this remake, head on over here.