NCAA coaches and players get blasted a lot for the play calls and team decisions that they make. This is especially true when they experience tough losses just like Nick Saban when they went against the Texas football squad. These comments could get out of hand and instead of targeting the decisions, they involve the family and personal life of the Alabama football team. His daughter, Kristen Saban Setas, did not appreciate the comments made.

Nick Saban knew what to expect when it came to his Alabama football team. They hope to bounce back and remain hungry in fighting for an NCAA bowl title. But, fans went scorched on Earth after their loss to the Texas football program. Kristen Saban Setas noticed these comments and had to issue a stern reminder to their fans through an Instagram post.

“They’re competitors. They have moms and dads and have pride in performance. They have things they want to accomplish, and they want to do, and they want to be good,” the Alabama football coach said. The video also included a glimpse on how the players remained inspired despite losses, “They don’t just throw in the towel. They work harder to try to get better. And everybody wants to beat us. We’re going to get everybody’s best game. I don’t know why people can’t understand that.”

Sometimes, fans can be too harsh on the teams that they root for. They can forget that all of them have emotions and personal lives that are affected by these statements. Bouncing from tough losing streaks is what the Alabama football squad does, there is no reason to blast their personal lives.