When news broke that WWE was officially entering into a full-on collaboration between NXT and TNA after Jordynne Grace's very popular run in the 2024 Royal Rumble, it turned heads around the industry.

Call it a willingness to genuinely give back in the industry by Paul “Triple H” Levesque, call it a strategic decision to take away one of AEW's former partners, or simply call it something to try with the ultimate results very much up in the air, but when the likes of Grace, Joe Hendry, and The Rascalz started making appearances at the Performance Center in Orlando, fans started to talk about TNA just a little bit more than they did before, and poured praise toward WWE for not acting like Vince McMahon was still in charge.

And yet, while the pairing has proven successful so far, that doesn't mean it's universally beloved, as, in an interview on Battleground Podcast, LA Knight noted that he personally doesn't see the point of the pairing, as he doesn't believe TNA is really bringing anything to the table that matches the exposure it receives from working with WWE.

“I have no answer to that. I don’t know. I don’t know what the benefit is for us, if I’m honest. I really don’t care because it’s not my decision to make, not my thing to do. I’m sure it gives great benefit to TNA. Who knows? Maybe there’s a deal worked out where there’s access to the library or something like that because we do at least have a few guys who have run through that system. Maybe there’s something there,” LA Knight wondered via Fightful.

“Who knows? I don’t know. I think that all remains to be seen, but I mean of course, it’s definitely gonna get people talking because this is something that I think is pretty well unprecedented at this point. So to see that happen, to hear about that, all of a sudden, a lot more eyes are going over there, like, ‘Wait a minute, they’re doing what? Who’s coming in? TNA’s working with WWE? That’s insane.’ So I would imagine that’s probably maybe giving us at least a little bit of a boost.”

Well, to answer Knight's question, the answer is actually quite simple: talent. WWE is doing this deal so they have access to Grace, Hendry, and any other member of TNA they want to bring over, as these “Forbidden Door” matchups have proven incredibly popular for both brands and will likely continue into the future, as just this week on NXT, the “Prestigious One” declared he was going to stick around in Orlando, as he enjoys working for Shawn Michaels and company. Not to speak for HBK, but it's safe to say the feeling is mutual.

Jeff Jarrett believes a TNA invasion of WWE could work out well

While LA Knight may not be sold on the idea of TNA and WWE working together – maybe because his run with the company as Eli Drake didn't exactly end on the best terms either – one person who is very much into the pairing is the founder of Total Nonstop Action, Jeff Jarrett, who currently works for AEW in a hybrid role.

Discussing the partnership on his My World podcast, Jarrett noted that he enjoys the paring quite a bit and believes that a full-on invasion angle could work very well if booked correctly.

“Execution is everything. The short answer is, absolutely, it can. When I think back in the territory era, the different kind of invasion angles, done correctly, if you really want to think about Randy Savage and him [Jerry] Lawler, that feud, Savage stepping into the Memphis studios, people knew that he had ran another promotion,” Jeff Jarrett explained via Fightful.

“The invasion angle can always be done differently. I think, at the end of the day, the most successful invasion angle, I truly think the nWo, was an invasion angle. People thought, ‘Okay, here’s a band of folks that all made their name in the WWF at the time, and they’re taking over.’ It obviously popped a huge number and [had] massive success, but it just depends on the execution of it all. I think it could.”

Now, as an on-again, off-again wrestling promoter, it's safe to say Double J knows a thing or two about professional wrestling and the sport's history, including his own experience with the nWo in WCW. While it's hard to imagine WWE going all-in on the idea, with Moose wrestling Seth Rollins or what have you, if they lean into the invasion angle between TNA and NXT, it does have pretty incredible potential, as so far, the pairing has largely been respectful.