anThe NIL debacle has long been on Capitol Hill. Notable figureheads like NCAA President Charlie Baker and Alabama football's Nick Saban have promised to take action. While no concrete plan or resolution has been decided on, Ohio State football coach Ryan Day proposes a model similar to the NFL.

Ohio State football has been a landing spot for blue-chip recruits for a long while. The Buckeyes led by Ryan Day know a thing or two about balancing their sources of income and focusing on the game of football. Coach Day spoke up about his thoughts on the NIL debacle, via The Big Noon Conversations.

“We have the model right there,” he said pointing to the NFL.

He further emphasized how the NCAA should not look too far as their alumni in the pro leagues have been doing well.

“I think people are hesitant to say that because we are collegiate and it is college athletics. But these guys have been doing it for a long time and they know what they're doing,” Coach Day declared.

The Ohio State coach also outlined how they could follow the same model in collegiate football.

“They have collective bargaining agreements, players' associations and have a playoff system in place. They have so many things that we can grab onto. Not that it's ever going to be the NFL — it's not. But I think the more times we can look to them for how they've solved some of these issues is going to be important,” he argued.

There is still a long-standing debate that is yet to be settled in the nation's capital. Is Ryan Day's statement one of the most sound solutions?