Executive Martin Moszkowicz is stepping down as chairman of Constantin Film.

The contract for the executive who oversaw Resident Evil expires early next year, and Oliver Berben, a deputy chairman, will take over, The Hollywood Reporter discloses.

He’s been a part of Constantin since 1990. It was 2014 when he took over as chairman.

Now, he will serve as producer.

Martin Moszkowicz steps down at Constantin Film

Recently, the executive was involved in a scandal that involved Til Schweiger, who was accused of harassment and abuse on Manta Manta 2, a film produced by Constantin Film.

The lawsuit had claimed that Schwieger showed up drunk on set plus had a physical altercation with a crewmember. Additionally, there were reports of hazardous conditions on the shoot for the film that resulted in serious injuries to a woman who fell through a roof.

As for why he’s stepping down, it’s not known for sure.

Bernhard Burgner, supervisory board chairman at Constantin, said, “We are very grateful to Martin Moskowicz for his many years of professional and loyal leadership and cooperation. Under his guidance, Constantin Film has developed sustainably into one of the most successful independent film and television production companies in Europe.”

He added, “We wish him the very best for his future and are delighted that he will continue to be a part of Constantin Film in his future role as a producer.”

In a statement, Moszkowicz said, “In the last 30 years, I have had the privilege of further expanding the position of Constantin Film to make it one of the leading players in the international film industry.”

He continued, “This time was characterized by enthusiasm, sacrifice, creative discovery, and major successes. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped.”

We’ll wait and see what is next for Martin Moszkowicz in the international film universe.