Apex Legends continues to be one of the most successful battle royales. Currently, the game's eighth competitive season rapidly approaches its conclusion. Seasons for esports titles usually end silently after the dust from the ranked games settle. However, Apex isn't your basic competitive game. Respawn Entertainment prepared quite a number of surprises for players leading up to the end of Season 8. Players get to play through five new game modes for the next two weeks.


APEX found immense success with the basic battle royale formula. However, Respawn never shied away from introducing their own weird gameplay twists to keep things fresh. In recent months, the developers tried adding a melee-only fight ring and pockets of death zones that burn players across the map. Respawn bring out the big guns for the rapidly approaching conclusion of Season 8.

“To close out the season, Mad Maggie is introducing War Games, a new event featuring a collection of never-before-seen playlist modifiers, a new rewards track, and new challenges.”

Beginning April 13, the normal casual queue disappears for two weeks. The five new game modes take over the non-ranked games until the end of the season. Each game mode lasts a couple of days and offers vastly different experiences.

War Games Schedule

  • Second Chance: Tuesday, 4/13 – Thursday, 4/15
  • Ultra Zones: Thursday, 4/15 – Monday, 4/19
  • Auto Banners: Monday, 4/19 – Wednesday, 4/21
  • Killing Time: Wednesday, 4/21 – Friday, 4/23
  • Armor Regen: Friday, 4/23 – Tuesday, 4/27

The first new game mode, Second Chance, gives all players another chance at claiming that coveted Apex Championship. Players that fall in this game mode instantly respawn to fight another day.  The official details for all the new game modes can be found on the official EA website.

Players can also get rewards and cosmetics from event-specific objectives in the next two weeks. Overall, it'll be an exciting time for all Apex Legends players.