Sorry, Stranger Things fans, but Season 5 will be the end of the story for Eleven, Dustin, Lucas, and Hopper.

The Duffer brothers, Matt and Ross, the creators of the hit Netflix series, confirmed the news in a recent interview with The Guardian.

The Duffer brothers confirm Season 5 is the end for characters in the show

They also indicated what's to come in the finale of Stranger Things. It sounds like we all need to buckle up.

“This season — it's like season one on steroids,” Matt said. “It's the biggest it's ever been in terms of scale, but it has been really fun, because everyone's back together in Hawkings: the boys and Eleven interacting more in line with how it was in season one.”

Regarding the Stranger Things universe continuing, that sounds like it has potential. However, it's the end for the characters in the series.

Matt adds, “And, yes, there may be spin-offs, but the story of Eleven and Dustin and Lucas and Hopper, their stories are done here. That's it…”

The last season is written, and shooting begins in January. The brothers want to ensure that it's done right, so they've been rewatching old shows and more to prepare for the ending.

“Endings of shows are like opening a restaurant in terms of the success-failure rate — there's an 80% failure rate, I'd say,” Matt said. “But I think one very particular way to fail is to attempt to appease everybody. We have a huge variety of fans that span a huge age range, and I'm sure they have all their own ideas of how they want the show to end. But we're not consulting social media on this. Then you just hope and pray that it resonates. But it was funny: once we go there, it just felt right and we're going to go for it!”

As of now, Stranger Things Season 5 looks to be released in 2025.